The Seduction

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However I decided to have a little play around with the characters (I would definitely like to play with Damon).

Warning for smut, bad language and content of the vampire nature..

Dear Diary

Okay, so I'm officially worried and confused. A lot of stuff has happened since my last diary entry, and yes, I've had another dream, but I'll get onto that later. For now I need to get my thoughts and feelings down, because right now my head is all over the place when it comes to Damon. So I'll start from my last entry.

I think Stefan thinks something is going on between me and Damon. I have no idea why, the only thing I can think of is him realizing I was running into Damon's arms when he and Damon rescued me from Rose. The only other option is that he's been reading this diary. I hope not.

I better explain how I know Stefan thinks something is going on between Damon and I. When I went to talk to Katherine, Caroline spent the day keeping him busy. Later Caroline asked me if I was cheating on Stefan with Damon because Stefan thought I was 'with Damon', and from what Caroline said, Stefan didn't mean it in the context of being on some mission with Damon. He implied he thought I may have voluntarily 'run off ' with Damon. This is a new development, I mean how many knock backs do I have to give Damon for Stefan to trust me? Damon has been flirting with me for months and I haven't done anything about it. So why would Stefan think I would now? And why would he say something to Caroline and not me? I'm guessing he's said something to Damon because Damon has backed off. Maybe Stefan did realize I was running down the stairs to Damon after all.

Yesterday I went to Richmond to try to get Klaus's attention. Rose called Damon who came to 'rescue me'. I got really angry with him and tried to hit him, but he stopped me, we just stood there and every bone in my body told me to kiss him, and I think he knew. Then when we got back, we found out Stefan was stuck in the tomb with Katherine. I blamed Damon, he pinned me up against the wall of the tomb to stop me from running inside to Stefan, so I started hitting him because I could feel his body up against mine, and I know it's wrong to think this, but it felt so good. To make matters worse, he wouldn't let go, it's like he knew I liked it, and he just pressed harder so I just kept hitting him. It's like we were both getting turned on by fighting with each other. And yes, he was slightly turned on by it, I felt his physical reaction, and he knows I felt it.

I don't know why he's having this effect on me lately. Being around him is getting so hard. I either want to hit him or kiss him, I just get so frustrated!

Yet again I had one of those strange dreams about Damon (which is why I'm writing it down in this diary). This time is was slightly different though, the trigger was different.

Last night after we'd been to the tomb to see Stefan Damon took me home. When I got home I was talking to Jeremy about him being bitten by Katherine. In my dream Damon took me back to the boarding house instead of home and well... Wow, a conversation with Jeremy caused me to have an erotic dream about Damon. Does every little thing have to remind me of him? This all sounds like a schoolgirl crush, but I know he feels the same.

I know this is all rushed and confusing, but Bonnie will be here any minute. I wonder how Damon plans to stop me from seeing Stefan.

No doubt there will be another diary entry soon, because these dreams about Damon are becoming more frequent.


The previous night's dream...

Elena was lost in her own little world, not taking in her surroundings as the trees and fields flew past her. In between storming out of the tomb and Damon driving back to Mystic Falls, neither of them had spoken to each other while sat in the car. Elena was pissed off with Damon for coming to rescue her and because of him, Stefan was now stuck in a tomb with none other than Katherine, who was bound to try and get her claws into him. Due to her lack of observation of her surroundings, Elena hadn't noticed the direction they'd been heading, so she was jolted out of her reverie as Damon suddenly turned the car into the drive of the boarding house, pulling up outside the garage and turning the engine off. Damon got out of the car while Elena just sat their in a huff.

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