Our Time

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However I decided to have a little play around with the characters (I would definitely like to play with Damon).

Dear Diary

Oh my god! Damon kissed me! Okay, so that is kind of old news, and yes I know more important things have happened recently but this diary is more about what's going on in my head with Damon.


And yeah, okay, I might have kissed him back a little.

But not as much as I wanted to. At least in this diary I can be honest and say things I'd never tell anyone else. Not one of my dreams imagined his kiss to be anything like that. Nothing prepared me for what I felt. It was nothing like kissing Stefan or Matt. It was like...coming home. Does that sound crazy?

Okay so I'd better explain what happened.

Mystic Falls has an ever growing hybrid population. They're apparently all 'sired' to Klaus. It sounds similar to being compelled except the hybrids feel they owe it to Klaus to do what he tells them.

We got this out of Tyler, who tricked Jeremy into taking off his vervain bracelet and stood in front of a moving car. Ric pushed him out of the way and died. He came back because a hybrid was driving it, but he had problems with his ring. For some reason he started coughing up blood. We took him to hospital and not only did he get a doctor to check him out, Damon gave him some blood as an additional healing measure.

The problem we had was getting Ric to the hospital. One of Klaus's hybrid's began to interfere. Jeremy staked the hybrid with a crossbow and then chopped his head off with a meat cleaver. He's 16 years old. It's not right, he shouldn't be doing things like that at his age. So I contacted family friends in Denver and they agreed to take Jeremy in for a while. I want him away from Mystic Falls, at least until we can sort out the 'Klaus issue'. So Damon compelled him to leave. I hate doing this to him, but it's for the best.

After that Damon and I were talking on the porch and he told me that Stefan betrayed us to save Damon's life. Apparently Klaus knew that Damon was our 'weak link'. Damon doesn't get this. He'll do the bad stuff and doesn't think anyone cares if anything happens to him. The irony is that most of the inhabitants of Mystic Falls rely on him to keep them safe, even if they don't know it. I guess that's why Liz puts up with him, she recognizes his value to the community, even if he doesn't.

I don't mind Stefan betraying us to save Damon's life. I would have done exactly the same thing.

After that Damon kissed me. It wasn't the sweep you off your feet type of kiss. It was actually quite sweet. It wasn't about lust, it was a kiss full of love and desire. It wasn't completely sexual. Yet because it wasn't meant to be sexual, it was. He did manage to sweep me off my feet because it was passionate in a different way.

There's more. Stefan told Klaus he'd turn me into a vampire so he couldn't make anymore hybrids. He kidnapped me, forced me to drink his blood and threatened to drive off Wickery Bridge. Fortunately Klaus caved and Damon found me and took me home. Apparently Stefan was trying to be the 'better villain', whatever that's supposed to mean.

It's strange because some of my erotic dreams are very explicit and adventurous, yet some are very normal but passionate. It's like I have this image that Damon is both. He's passionate and dangerous, and it doesn't take a wild imagination to suspect he's quite adventurous in the bedroom department. Then there's this other side which makes me wonder if all he wants is someone to love him back with a passion that he has. I don't think he needs adventurous if it was with someone he really loved. He wouldn't need it. The love alone would consume him so much, it would be the added adventure instead of anything too kinky.

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