Doesn't Really Matter

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It doesn't really matter,

does it?

Whether im dead or alive,

the world will keep rotating,

the stars will keep shining.

But i'm still here.

That is obvious.

What's not so obvious is why.


I can't tell.

It's just...

I'm not ready yet.

It never really mattered,

still doesn't but im staying.

Sorry if you're dissapointed.

I know i have friends,

and i know that

sometimes i feel so alone.

So very alone.

It didn't matter though.

Because i'm staying,

gunna try again.

No game over,

just restart.

And maybe this time,

i'll win.

This time i'll come out of the battle,

still alive and filled with hope.

My friends by my side,

My life and heart intact.

Wouldn't that be nice?

It doesn't really matter though,

im staying here.

It doesn't matter.

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