Black Sheep

52 4 0

hell0 again friend 0f a friend i knew y0u when

0ur c0mm0n g0al was waiting f0r the w0rld t0 end

a th0usand v0ices making all the mistakes

the fire escapes and this c0de must break

turn back the hands 0f the cl0ck

ill turn int0 a pillar 0f salt

a m0th flying int0 the same 0ld flame again

it never ends

tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick

lately i have been screaming fr0m lungs that a t0ngue w0nt f0ll0w

lately i have been

lets just keep fighting the end 0f the w0rld

we will h0ld hands and we will make plans f0r life

and this time theyre playing ride 0f the valkyries

with n0 semblance 0f grace 0r ease

cl0ck is ticking while im killing time spinning all ar0und

n0thing else that y0u can d0 t0 turn it back

but well stand tall well dance them d0wn

well burn and fry bef0re we fall


doomed Aradia Megido fanmix

(just a mash up of  the annoations in correct order)

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