It's Not Always Either Or.

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Well my dears, i see you are here again.

It's me, the storyteller.

Ad today i wish to tell you the tale of Alice.

See, Miss Alice Lidell believed in 6 impossible things before breakfast.

But first she needed a little trip to a little place called Underland.

She called it Wonderland.

There was blue caterpillars,

talking animals,

a drink  to make you shrink,

a cake to make you grow.

She thought she wasn't Alice, but she was.

She found herself.

She found her world.

The world where everything would be nonsense.

Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t.

And contrariwise, what it is, it wouldn’t be, and what it wouldn’t be, it would.

But what she learned was the most important my friends.

She learned that it's not always either or.

It's not always either or my friends.

Keep that in your mind as you go through your days.

Remember to believe in the impossible.

Remember to find yourself.

Remember my friends,

It's Not Always Either Or.


I used quotes from Alice in Wonderland and yeah.. Alice in Wonderland is amazing. It's a true work of art.

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