Pale Wrist

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I know a girl

who wears a silver chain bracelet.

It dangles from her pale wrist.

I don't know why

but it makes me smile.

The next day

She had a gold chain bracelet.

She came to school looking worn.

Now she has two bracelets that

dangle from her pale wrist.

A few days after

she had a black chain bracelet.

It dangled from her pale wrist.

This continued for months

until her pale wrist was covered

with dark chain bracelets

And one day

I saw the silver bracelet move.

Beneath was a scar.

I took her hand

and moved the bracelets.

Beneath were many, many scars.

I smiled at her, saddened.

The scars aren't beautiful,

they're painful.

I wish I was there for her.

She won't have to wear

anymore bracelets that

dangle from her pale wrist.

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