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Shrouded in Smoke,

Covered in Secret

Is Absolum.

It's absolutely Absolum.

And through the smoke,

comes a question

from Blue Caterpillar.

"Who Are You?"

Who Are You?

A question that seems simple,

but is honestly much more complex.

So go ahead,

say your name.

Whether it be Alice

or Marie

or even Sam.

And Absolum will tell you,

he'll tell you if you are

who you say you are.

And trust me,

by the end of your visit

you will know.

Check up with Absolum,

And head back to the real world.

And if you are ever

ever doubting if you are

really you,

just walk through a garden





     down the rabbit hole,

eat the cake that says EAT ME

And the drink that says DRINK ME.

Talk to Absolum,

And ponder Who Are You?

And I guarantee that

after a trip through Underland,

you will know Who You Are.

All thanks to the Blue Caterpillar,

shrouded in smoke

covered in secret.

It's Absolum

Absolutely Absolum.


Alice in wonderland- BEST MOVIE!!

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