chapter 17

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I woke up and didn't feel a body next to me, instead I only felt a pillow.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at didn't see Demi next to me. I sat up but laid right back down when I saw Demi getting dressed in the mirror.

I smiled to myself and pulled the covers up to my chin as I watched.

She did her makeup and then turned around.

When she saw that I was awake she smiled wide.

"good morning babygirl" I giggled and pulled the covers over my head. I heard her chuckle as she came over and pulled the covers off.

She leaned down and kissed all over my face and neck.

I giggled some more and squirmed away from the kisses.

Demi gave a light chuckle as she came over and picked me up.

"today you and me are going to see some people" she smiled at me and waited for my response.

"who?" I laid my head on her shoulder and she rubbed my back, "we are going to see my family, you don't have to worry though. We're just going to a little restaurant, I'm gonna do most of the talking" I whimpered but nodded.

Demi rubbed my back and carried me into the closet.

She sat me on one of the little seats in the closet and started to go through the closet, trying to find and make me an outfit.

She pulled out a blue t-shirt, a blue flannel and a pair of black jeans. She also grabbed short socks a black converse.

Demi came over and hung the clothes on the little rack behind me

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Demi came over and hung the clothes on the little rack behind me. I stood up and she undressed me.

She stood back up once she had gotten my underwear off and leaned forward to kiss me. I smiled into the kiss and pulled her closer.

Demi rested her hands on my hips and gently pushed me back.

"not right now baby, maybe later" she smirked as she kneeled down and got my new underwear on me. As she was down there she ran her hand over my clit.

She didn't seem to take notice but I sure as hell did.

I bit my lip and waited for her to stand back up.

Once she was up I smiled as she grabbed my jeans and held them out for me.

I stepped into them and then she got the rest of my clothes and helped me into them.

Once I was dressed she brought me over to the bathroom.

She had me sit on the counter as she fixed my hair and put only a little makeup on.

She smiled once she was done and then took my hand and lead me down stairs.

"Play on my ipad babygirl, I gotta go make a call. I'll be right back." I nodded and walked over and took the ipad off the charger.

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