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I stroke her hand as I wait for the doctor to come in. She's been asleep for a day and a bit now. I can't believe Kai did this. I know he didn't mean it, but whether it was an accident or not, it was him.
Chen was the one who helped the paramedics take her into hospital. I regret not being there, but I was crying so much, I didn't know what was happening.
The light starts to seep into the room through the half-closed blinds. I've been here for just under 24 hours, never leaving her side.


He won't leave her side. I remember when my wife and I were like that. I have to choke back my tears before I go in. It's been a year since she died. And I fear the same will be happening for this young lad. I  open the door and sit on the chair opposite him. He doesn't look up, but acknowledged my presence with a small nod.
"I am afraid its not looking promising." I start. The crying increases. He looks like he's in so much pain, the look on his face as if all his life has been shattered. I have to look away whilst I continue speaking, otherwise I'll start up my waterworks.
"She was hit extremely hard on the temple. From looking at the X-rays, she has a weak spot on the left side of her skull, from what looks like a fall years ago. The impact of the hit knocked the skull and her brain together. She was lucky she wasn't killed instantly. But there is internal bleeding. I'm sorry mate, but we're looking for a miracle."
He doesn't seem to properly process my words. The look of pain on his face is excruciating. I decide to leave him in there with her. As I walk out, he just manages to splutter through the tears  " I found her. I found the one. And now she's gone." he then looks up at me and nods. "T-thank you." and then burst into tears once again. I nod and leave him alone.


"Please, God. I need a miracle. I need one. I beg."


Hi. So I know this is extremely soon after part 9, but I wrote that this morning and then I though of this part just now. So... I hope you like it! 😂

Please don't forget to vote if you like it!!! Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️🙏

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