"And you Harper, gosh, I don't know how to even start." He said, his voice beginning to shake.

"Please don't, I feel like your just getting prepared to die!" I sniffled.

"We have to be prepared for anything at this point, babe." He ruffled my hair. "I want to tell you everything I can so if something bad does happen, I can be at peace."

"I love you, Harper. And I haven't loved a woman like you before. When I met you, I was a dumbass, hopelessly flirting with one of my brothers friends. But when I got to know you, I knew I had to make you mine. The time we've spent together, I'll always cherish forever. Thank you for always being down for my crazy adventures, for always supporting me, and loving me endlessly. Even when I made mistakes.." He said, then took a deep breath.

"I-I need to tell you something I've been hiding from you." He tilted my head to look up at him. "I only did it because I was scared that you'd leave me for him..I swear.."

I jumped back when cuts began appearing all over Spencer. His face was covered in blood and he had a huge gash on his forehead.

"S-Spencer what's going on?" I asked, right before he collapsed.

The sunflowers began dying, until all of them dropped to the ground. I knelt down beside him, as he closed his eyes and took his final breath.

I tried shaking him awake.

"SPENCER! WAKE UP!" I cried, holding his hand.

"HARPER! HARPER!" I heard a voice yell.

"W-what?" I questioned, right before a white light flashed infront of my eyes, and I woke up on the plane.

Maddy was shaking me awake.

"We're here."

I stood in the doorway of his hospital room, staring at my boyfriend. Tubes and wires were all around him, and he was hooked up to a ventilator.

The doctor was waiting for me.

"Miss, I'm terribly sorry, but he's gone..the accident was so severe that it caused severe trauma to his brain and spinal cord." The doctor informed.

"Oh Spencer, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." I grabbed his hand and kissed it. Tears streamed down my face as I climbed into the bed with him and laid my head on his chest.

I couldn't feel his heart beating anymore..

Maddy waited outside with the kids, as Dean continued talking with the doctor.

"What about his parents? They alright?" He mumbled.

"Minor injuries, but they both came out of surgery and should make a full recovery." He answered.

The doctor left and a nurse walked in, going to the ventilator. She started pulling the plug out, when I snapped.

"No! Don't kill my boyfriend yet! What gives you the right to decide when his life is over! Huh? Answer me you bitch!" I screamed, storming over to her.

I pushed her back right as Dean grabbed me.

"Calm down, before you get sedated or some shit." He whispered in my ear.

"No! I won't have anybody touch him!" I growled, trying to break from his grasp. He held me even tighter.

The nurse left and went over to Maddy. They exchanged a few words before she walked further down the hall with the kids.

"Where are my kids?! Where did they go?! Everyone thinks they control me! Well they don't! And they don't control Spencer either!" I yelled.

I head butted Dean and ran out of the room, heading for the nurse.

I tackled her down and began hitting her wildly. A bunch of other nurses and doctors grabbed me and held me down.

"I'm sorry, Harper, but this is for your own good." One of the staff members said, before grabbing a needle.

"No No NO! NO! PLEASE! SPENCER HELP MEE!" I cried, as she injected the needle in the side of my neck.

My eyes closed once more.

"Seth..are you doing okay? I haven't seen you in a while." I heard Maddy say.

My eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the bright lights. I looked around and realized I was in my own hospital room.

Dean was sleeping on the floor, the kids were being passed around by the nurses, cooing over how cute they were.

And Maddy was sitting on the couch talking with..Seth.

I coughed loudly, drawing everyone's attention to me. Maddy rushed over to my side, and Seth stared at me blankly.

He had more facial hair, and his hair was longer. He looked skinnier, and he had horrible bags under his eyes.

"Harper..it's been a few hours since you were sedated. How are you feeling?" Maddy wondered.

"I'll be better when I see my kids." I said, and she brought them over to me.

I laid both of them on my chest, before looking at Rollins. Who was still quiet.

Maddy looked between the two of us, before walking for the door. "I'm gonna go grab some food..I'll be back."

She shut the door.

"So, do you have any reason as to why I haven't heard from you in over a year?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

He sat down beside me, looking at the babies.

"I-I think it's time we had a talk, Harper." He said. "There's something you should know.."

- - -
Poor Spencer..RIP😭😞Harper is officially a single mom now...what did you think of her dream??Anyways... Seth is back! What does he have to tell Harper? Something about the 💌 ? Thanks for reading :) 💛

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