Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

~Cullee's POV~

Connor. It was only Connor. I can trust Connor. Can I? He hasn't given me any reason not to, but then again, no one ever gives you signs to not trust them.

"Umm. Can you get the other boys in here too? I don't want to repeat the story a whole bunch," I laugh nervously.

He nodded before standing up and walking out of the room.

~Connor's POV~

I walked quickly to the waiting room to tell the boys about Cullee.

As soon as I walked in, JC hopped up and tried sprint out of the room.

"Woah there cowboy. Cullee wants to see all of us. She's gonna tell us what happened," I said loud enough for the others to hear.

He still sprinted to room for half a minute alone with her I guess.

The rest of us just shrugged and took our time.

~Cullee's POV~

JC came busting into the room about 45 seconds after Connor left.

"Break the door down, why don't you?" I laughed.

"All for you," he bowed as he spoke, making me giggle, "In reality, I just ran down here to spend at least a little time alone with you. And to sit near you."

"Aww. My heart can't take this sweetness," I overdramatised.

He just laughed and sat in the chair next to the bed, taking my hand.

Soon, the rest of the boys came walking through the door, making me realise what I was about to tell them and how it would break their hearts.

They all sat somewhere, some in chairs and some on the floor, and all looking at me with expectant eyes.

"Guys, I'm not going to lie to to you," I started, "I'm not fine. Nothing that has happened in the past 8 or so hours is fine. Umm, when I knocked on the door to the house for the stupid plan, I-i was knocked out and apparently brought down to the basement."

"When I woke up a while later, I was tied to a chair. Alli was next to me tied similarly. She wasn't wearing any clothes, and was bruised around the hip and bust area. At first I had no clue why, but after a while I did."

By this time Trevor was crying and the rest were horror-stricken.

"I'm definitely not going into detail about this, but those four guys and my father , if you can call him that, they umm.. raped me," I said in a small voice with my eyes squeezed shut. A lot of gasps could be heard around the room.

My eyes widened in a sudden realisation, "Doesn't this mean that Alli or I could be...."

"Pregnant," Kian finished for me.

I gulped and nodded.

We say in silence for a minute before the nurse came in and told us that Alli was awake.

I wanted to ask if I could see her, but with my injuries, I know they wouldn't allow it.

"I think the rest of you all should go see Alli, I never got my alone time with Cullee," JC said.

The boys nodded before leaving JC and I alone. (A/N not related, but I'm at a car dealership and it smells like doughnuts.)

~JC's POV~

After the boys left to see Alli, Cullee just broke down. I just kept her hand, playing with her fingers.

"It's all my fault. If my stupid brain hadn't reacted so slowly, the bastard wouldn't have taken Alli, and neither one of us would be in the hospital," Cullee sighed.

"We both know that's not true. There's no way that you could have known that he was going to do that," I reassured her.

"Sure. But I still have to get a fricking pregnancy test," she whispered.

"The real question is what if you are? What if you are pregnant?" I asked just as quiet.

"I-I don't know. I don't want an abortion, but I also don't want my child to grow up knowing they're a product of rape," she continued whispering, looking across at me.

~ Cullee's POV~

I looked into JC's chocolate brown eyes, then started laughing uncontrollably.

Poor JC was desperately confused. His eyebrows furrowed in an adorable way.

"Okay, I'm so confused," he admitted.

"I was looking into your eyes, just thinking. Then I was like 'his eyes are brown, chocolate brown' and then I started thinking about chocolate, which is something I love a lot, and thought 'does this mean I want to eat JC's eyes?'. So then, I started laughing because I'm so weird," I explained, stopping ever so often to laugh some more.

He just rolled his eyes at me, which made me fake pout.

"Do you not find me funny?" I asked.

He shook his head 'no' which made me pout for real. I flipped over to my other side, and started fake crying just as Kian walked back in the room.

Kian rushed over to me, asking JC what he did.

I sat up to face him and told him, "JC doesn't think I'm funny," I continued 'crying'.

Kian's face straightened as he walked over to JC. He quickly smacked JC in the back of the head and told him to tell me that I was funny.

"Fine," JC grumbled,"You're so funny!" He sprung up and started making baby faces and pinching my cheeks, making me laugh kind of loud.

Someone from the doorway cleared their throat. JC moved to reveal a nurse and a wheel chair.

"Guess what? You can go see your sister. But, you have to stay in this wheelchair the entire time," The peppy nurse said while checking out JC and Kian.

What was she? 38? Oh whatever, at least I get to see my sister.


I'm sorry I've been gone for seventeen bajillion years. No excuse, just lazy. The next chapter will be Alli's point of view for everything. That should be up in about two days.



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