Passed Out 2

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I know I wrote the first part ages ago but someone requested a part 2

Harry's POV
"Ah, Mr. Potter seems to be regaining consciousness now." a familiar voice stated.

I groan and my eyes roll open. My vision is a bit blurred but I can make out Madam Pomfrey hovering above me.

"How are you feeling?" she asks.

"I... um... I'm f-fine." I stutter.

"Mr. Malfoy here tells me you had quite an event."

"Where is he?" I ask.

"I'm here." a new voice answers.

I turn my head and spot Draco standing at the wall.

"I'll be back in a second." Madam Pomfrey informs us, before going into the next room to get medicine or something.

Draco comes to my side and smiles down at me. He leans down and places a kiss on my forehead.

"You scared me." he mumbles against my hair. 

"What even happened?" I wonder.

"You just collapsed." he answered. "You woke up and tried standing then you went out again. You wouldn't wake up the second time so I carried you to the infirmary."

"I'm sorry for scaring you." I coo.

He laughs. "I don't think you really had a choice."

Madam Pomfrey returns with a vial and a goblet of water.

"Now, love. Can you just answer a few questions?" she asks.

I nod.

"Have you been eating enough?"

I nod again.

"You haven't passed out before?"

I shake my head but add "not like that." I think she knows why I was left unconscious beside Professor Quirrell's headwrap in Year One.

"Did you hit your head recently?"

Again, I shake my head.

"Getting enough sleep?"

I think back to the many nights that instead of sleeping, I'd been asking philosophical questions to my owl that can't answer me on a roof. I'd often spend whole nights up there... oh.

"...yes?" I lie.

She tilts her head and taps her fingers. "This time might have been a fluke..." she thinks.

"Actually, I've just had a headache all day. That's probably all." I lie again.

She nods again and hurries into the next room.

"Harry, you haven't been sleeping, have you?" Draco asks.

"What makes you think that?" I fake.

"I know when you're lying. You've been talking to the owl again, right?"

"... maybe."

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