A Little Ill

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Harry was on his way to Astronomy when Seamus told him he had ink on his hands. Ron took his books as Harry went to the bathroom to wash his hands.
He looked it the mirror to check if a scratch that he'd gotten during Quidditch was healing. He saw in the reflection none other than Draco Malfoy. Harry was about to leave to avoid the teasing until he noticed Draco was paler than usual, if that was even possible. He seemed to be stumbling a bit too and looked dizzy.
"You okay, Draco?" he asked. "You seem a bit... uneasy?"
"Shove off, Potter."Draco spat before running into a cubicle and vomiting into the toilet. After a few seconds of heaving, Harry decided to go in and helped. He gently rubbed Draco's back. "I'm s-sorry," Draco stuttered between coughs.
"Hey, it's ok." Harry answered. Did you eat anything bad?"
"No, I don't think so." Draco said. He wiped his mouth and tried standing up but squeezed his eyes shut as though he had been hit by a wave of dizziness.
"Ok, we'll get you to the infirmary." Harry reassured him. He reached his hand out to feel Draco's head, but Draco recoiled. Harry looked into his eyes and simply whispered "Its ok."
Harry reached for Draco again and this time he didn't move away. Harry felt his forehead with the back of his hand. His eyes widened "Draco, you're burning up!"
He nodded and closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath.
Harry helped the other boy up and kept his arms around him all the way to the infirmary, whispering reassurance to Draco.
When they reached the infirmary, Harry released Draco. Draco nodded to him. "Thanks, Scarhead."
"Anytime, Ferret."
A/N so I wrote this ages ago and I'm looking back at it and I know the writing's awful

"A/N so I wrote this ages ago and I'm looking back at it and I know the writing's awful

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