The Tent

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Harry's P.O.V
Draco and I were lying in a tent the night before the Ireland vs Bulgaria Quidditch finals.
Mr. Weasley had invited him to come with me, Ron and Hermione. Draco and I shared a tent, as did Hermione and Ginny and Ron and Mr. Weasley.
It was late but I couldn't sleep. I was too busy thinking about how lucky I was to be lying next to Draco Malfoy.
"Potter?" a voice cut through the dark. "Potter, are you awake?"
For some reason, I decided not to answer. I heard the rustling of Draco's sleeping bag and could almost feel him leaning towards me.
I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.
"Are you awake?" he asked again. I stayed as still as possible.
He leaned down and kissed my cheek softly .
"Goodnight, Scarhead."he whispered as I tried to hide a smile from spreading across my face.

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