Baby James

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A/N: thanks for the idea, PumpkinOtaku67
Draco's POV
I glanced at Harry, who had our six week old son in his arms.
A smile grew on my face. I checked the clock. It was approaching six.
"I think it's time for James to go to bed." I whispered.
Harry nodded in agreement and kissed James on the head.
"I'm starting to get jealous of our little man." I joked.
Harry laughed and brought the baby to his crib next to our bedroom.
I turned back to the television and waited for Harry's return.
After a few minutes, I went down the hall to James' room to check what was taking so long.
I hurt hushed singing and saw Harry lulling the child asleep.
"Are you going to Scarborough Fair?/ Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme/ remember me to the one who lives there/ she once was a true love of mine..." (A/N my Grandmother used to sing that to me❤️)
After what seemed like ten minutes, Harry kissed James lightly on the head and joined me in the doorway. We made our way back to the couch and snuggled together with the television on in front of us.
"Finally, just you and me," I smiled.
"How about we-"
I was cut off with James' crying.
I sighed and Harry went in to comfort James. I paused the television and waited silently for Harry.
He came back after fifteen minutes and I leaned back against him.
"I swear it's like he's replaced me." I smiled.
Harry laughed and kissed me.
"What can I say? He looks just like you except he doesn't talk as much."
I pretended to slap Harry and we fell into a giggling mess on the couch.

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