bellamy: smh

bellamy: continue you whiny brat

octavia: ;)

octavia: will do

octavia: i complain to linc all the time but i know he's not listening

lincoln: how do you know that?

octavia: cause whenever you're not paying attention you stare at your feet

lincoln: damn

lincoln: still love u tho

clarke: that's so cute tho

murphy: we're not doing this again tho

bellamy: why not tho

murphy: idk tho

raven: im so tired tho

murphy: go to bed tho

raven: okie

murphy: i love you

raven: i love you too

clarke: i want foooooodddd

bellamy: sorry i'm no help

clarke: obviously

clarke: we've had to get three different microwaves since we moved in

clarke: can you order pizza

bellamy: id thought you'd never ask

harper: when are u two gonna fuck

bellamy: WOAH

clarke: we already have

murphy: where are my godchildren then??

octavia: YOUR godchildren??

murphy: jes

clarke: idk

bellamy: hehe

clarke: stop

lincoln: you are pregnant aren't you

clarke: no

lincoln: really? because the clarke i know hates pizza

clarke: SHIT

monty: HOLY

raven: I SMELL TEA

miller: CLARKE

clarke: BELLAMY

bellamy: OKAY YEAH

bellamy: shes pregnant



lincoln: knew it


monty: one of y'all needs to learn how to cook

clarke: we wanted to surprise you

clarke: besides we just found out a week ago

miller: yk, in most stories girls who are pregnant are always afraid to tell the guy

clarke: i know

clarke: but i know bellamy loves me soooooooooooo

raven: and this isn't a story miller lol wyd

miller: i know i'm just saying

miller: i've never dated a girl before so i thought when you got pregnant they all reacted the same

bellamy: most of the time, the main character is a complete idiot and when she starts feeling nauseous or dizzy, and the fact that she doesn't have her period, that she's just overworking herself


murphy: raven walked up to me and went 'im pregnant fucker'

raven: yeah

raven: i was kinda in shock tbh but

monty: oh harper was a mess

harper: stop

miller: tell us

monty: she texted me to come home bc it was extremely urgent

monty: she was on the floor crying next to a positive pregnancy test

monty: then she goes "i guess i've been eating too much dick"


harper: really?

harper: how did you find out?

bellamy: she was so chill about it

bellamy: we were watching netflix, and she stood up all of a sudden, saying that she was gonna puke. she ran in the bathroom while i sat on the couch like an idiot confused as hell. she came back out and said "i'm pretty sure i'm pregnant."

bellamy: and that's how i met your mother.


clarke: i want a boy

bellamy: too bad

bellamy: i want a girl

three months later

clarke: y'all

clarke: we're having twins

harper: boy and a girl?

bellamy: yup

octavia: great. now murphy and i can share godchildren

octavia: dibs on the girl

murphy: whatever

i start school today and i kinda hoped i would drown in the shower

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