Chapter 11

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We had to leave this morning, back to my old screwy life. Even when I'm away from that hellhole I'm still going through shit. I'm going to the school board and ask if i can do online school. If I go back to that place, I'll die.
I got up and took a shower, by that time it was 8:30. I put on an American eagle hoodie, skinny jeans, and my Uggs. I straightened my hair, I like it really straight and did my usual makeup. Nash woke up, a little after me. I sat on the bed on my phone and waited for him to get ready. He came out of the bathroom.
"Did you take your pills?" He asked.
"Yes sir I did." I smiled. I got up and started packing all the stuff that I had in the bathroom away in my suitcase. I was all ready to go to the airport. We were all going to meet in the lobby, of the hotel. I wish I could stay here, but I have to leave. I haven't seen any sign of Crystal or any of them.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
"Yep!" I said grabbing my suitcase and carry on. We walked to the elevator, and went down to the lobby. Everyone was already down there. I walked over to the SUV and put my luggage in the trunk. I got in the car with Hailey. "Hailey I don't want to leave, I don't want to go back to that shithole we call home." i said.
"I don't either, I hate it there. And Jack will be all the way in Nebraska. Nash is basically your neighbor..." She said crying.
I hugged her, "It's going to be okay." I said. We were both crying. I really didn't want to leave. We all got into the car and drove to the airport.
Our plane left at, 10:00. It was 9:30 right now, they had an announcement that our plane was boarding. I finally had the window seat, and Hailey sat beside me. I smiled, and put in my earbuds. I went to pandora, Adelitas Way radio. I fell asleep soon after
It was 8 when we got home. We drove back to my house, I was so tired. I walked to my room, I put on my pajamas. I thought I would start unpacking tomorrow. I went to my purse, and grabbed my phone. Wait a second... didn't I have an extra blade in here? I searched through my bag.
Oh my god. What if Nash saw it and took it, I know he was down in the dumps about that video. Crap, I told him I didn't have any with me. I pulled up my contacts on my phone and tapped Nash, it rung.
No answer.
"Hey this is Nash, AND MACKENZEE!!! Leave a message and I'll get to ya later byeee!!" It beeps... I slowly put down my phone and pressed the end button.
I ran down the steps and put on my Uggs, "Woah woah woah! What's wrong??" Shawn said.
"I'll explain later, it's important." I ran past him and out the door. I ran to Nash's house, my neighbors probably think really low of me running in my pajamas at night. I bursts through the door. Hayes was in the living room staring at me like I just killed five people, "HAVE YOU SEEN NASH???" I said.
"I haven't seen him he might-"
I ran up to his room, and went through the door. He was on his bed, holding the blade. Examining it. "Nash, I-"
"You told me you didn't bring one..." He said shaking his head, he looked up at me with red puffy eyes. Instead of beautiful baby blue eyes, they were darker.
"Nash you had me worried sick, I'm sorry. I thought you did something." I trailed off.
"Mackenzee, ya know what we did the other night..."
I nodded.
"Maybe we can try again..." He came up and pinned me to the wall, beginning to kiss my neck.
"Nash..." I moaned his name.
He took the blade, and sliced his skin on his wrist. "NASH!!!" I yelled.
He fell to the ground, wincing trough the pain.
"I needed to get it out." He said. I took the blade out of his hand.
I sat him up, "Nash I'm so sorry, but please don't ever do it again..." I said crying.
"Mack I'll be better and you'll be better without me..." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.
"How could you say that? NASH I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!! I couldn't and wouldn't make it without you in my life..." I said pulling him in a hug. He connected our lips, passionately, our lips moved in sync. I broke it and got up and took his other hand, I put it under the faucet on the sink. I rinsed off his wrist and washed it. I wrapped a bandage over it. "Now wear your hoodie, no one will see it..." I said helping him put it on. I pulled down his sleeve. I smiled and kissed him.
I yawned, "Hey do ya mind if I crash here, I'm pretty tired." I said.
"Don't mind at all!" He said.
We got in the bed, he turned off his lamp and wrapped his arms around me.
"Mackenzee promise me something..."
"Okay." I said looking into his eyes.
"I won't ever cut again, if you don't cut again..."
I chuckled, "You have a deal." I said.

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