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Hello everyone, I know it's been so, so long since I have updated but my best friend just recently passed away. So you can understand why I haven't posted anything, please keep her soul and her family in your prays and thank you so much for sticking with my story and I promise that I will try and post something soon but obviously I'm going through a very emotional time right now. My best friend's name was Kaya and she was a wonderful girl who has helped me through a lot in the past. Kaya was hit by a car about a week after my last post asking what I should write about. The driver of the car was drunk and shouldn't have been driving, if he hadn't got in that car after drinking the very best person in the world would still be alive. I'm asking you to please NEVER drink and drive and never let anyone you know drink and drive. Kaya was the type of person you knew you could always trust, she use to help me so much with my PTSD and she would always save up some of her money she got from her parents to give to charity every month and volunteered part time at a homeless shelter. It really is true that bad things happen to good people because she was one of the best. Kaya did not deserve what happened to her and it was all because of one stupid mistake by a stupid guy. I lost my best friend. My family. She was always the closest thing I had to a sister and I will never forget her. I love you so much Kaya and everything I do good will be in your name.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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