Demi Gods at hogwarts part 3

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I was shocked to see how the exchange students had acted when they had arrived at the burrow. Clarisse had to be pulled off Percy by Will and Nico after she attacked him!
And Nico looks like a death eater! Maybe Ron was right and they are death eaters.
"Well then," Mr Weasley Said after Clarisse had stop trying to kill Percy. "The girls will sleep in Ginny's room and the boys can sleep in Percy's old room," he smiled, " Percy is my son's name" he added.
"Come on, Ginny's rooms over here." I say, walking upstairs.
"So," says Ginny, " what's Your school like?"
"It's great," Said Piper, "there's lots of Amazing people there."
"Our school is a bit different than yours," Annabeth told us, "for people who don't have a family to go home to, or if you just want to, they can stay year round, or you just stay in the summer."
"Oh, that sounds cool," Ginny tells them, "do you guys stay year round?"
"I do." Annabeth tells us.
"Same." Hazel says.
"I don't, I go home to my dad." Says Piper.
"I stay." Clarrise says.
" what about houses?" I ask.
"We don't have houses," says Piper, "when we arrive at school for the first time we take a test and get sorted into cabins based on our personality."
"Our school is a religious school," Hazel adds, "you have to be Greek or Roman."
"Our cabins are names of Greek gods." Says Annabeth.
"What are your cabins then?" I ask.
"I'm in the Athena cabin." She says "the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy."
"Hades cabin," says Hazel, "god of the dead and riches, Nico is in the Hades cabin as well." That explains that emo look.
"Ares, god of war." Says Clarrise with a smile that says she's very proud of what cabin she's in.
"Aphrodite cabin," Piper says sadly, "the goddess of love and beauty." I then noticed that she was in fact very beautiful.
"Wow, What Hogwarts houses do you think you'll be in?" Ginny asked.
"We've already been sorted," Annabeth Said, "I'm in Ravenclaw."
"Oh, cool," I say, "what about you guys?"
"I'm in Hufflepuff," Said Hazel, "with Frank, Percy and Will,"
"Slytherin," Piper Said, "Nico's in Slytherin too."
"I'm in Gryffindor punks," Says Clarrise, "I'm stuck with Grace,"
"Who's Grace?" I asked
"Jason, his last names Grace." Said Piper.
"Oh, right!"
"Leo's in Ravenclaw too," Hazel says, " he's very good at inventing stuff."
"Oh,cool." I Said, but in truth I was starting to suspect that something was up with the exchange students, I mean why had they sorted already?

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