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Nic was down in his study with Wayne and Eden's grandfather on her mother's side, they were waiting for Eden to deliver the baby. She had been in labor for the last two days. Jennifer and Natalie were upstairs along with the midwife. No one had come down to tell them anything. All they could hear was her screaming. The Three of them were pacing and were as white as a ghost.

"If you ever lay a hand on my daughter again I will kill you?"

"Yes, sir I understand."

Just then they heard the cry of a baby. Then they heard another scream from Eden.

"I swear I will never touch her again. Not ever."

"See that you keep that promise if I ever hear my daughter in so much pain ever again."

Just then Jennifer came into the room smiling.

"She is just fine, and I would like you all to come meet the newest members of your family."

The men followed her up the stairs to the Duchess suite. They were both hesitant to go in. When Wayne's wife had their children, he had not been allowed to see them until hours after she had them. They entered the room not sure what they were going to find and were surprised to find Eden was looking well tired but well and she was holding a baby and so was Natalie. All three men looked to Jennifer for an explanation.

"They are twins they tend to come in twos."

Nikki went over to the bed and kissed Eden on the forehead.

"I love you I promise I will never make you go through that again. I will never touch you again."

She pulled him by the shirt and kissed him.

"Do not make promises I will not let you keep. Now sit down so I can introduce you to your children."

Jennifer had Wayne move two chairs next to the bed, so he and Marlin could see their grandchildren. Eden handed her bundle to Nikki and Natalie handed her bundle to Wayne.

"I would like you to meet your son and daughter."

Both men's eyes got big they had one of each.

"What are we going to name them?"

Eden laughed they had decided if it was a girl they would name her after her mother, and if it was a boy after his father.

"The same names we were going to call them if there was only one. If you think about it the names, go together perfectly. Lily and Lyle."

When Eden and Nikki were alone in the Dukes suite except for the two sleeping babies they snuggled together. Nikki was emotional.

"Today you gave me the greatest gift of all. A beautiful family. I love you so much."

"The greatest gift you have given me is your love. I never thought we would be so blessed."

Nikki laughed,

"Welcome to Paradise your grace be prepared to live the rest of your life in pure bliss." 

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