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   He took her elbow and led her out to the front doors. Nikki's carriage arrived and he explained to the driver where they were going then helped Eden into the carriage and joined her. Eden couldn't help noticing his jovial mood. She wondered if it was because they were breaking the rules or because he was alone with her? She wasn't sure if she even cared she was right where she wanted to be. They sat awkwardly across from each other for the first thirty minutes not saying anything. Eddie looked extremely disappointed Nikki wasn't sure why.

"Is something the matter, if you would like I could have the carriage turned around and take you home."

He wasn't sure what to make of her extremely red face. Was she blushing or dying on him she looked as if she was burning up with fever? She shook her head no, showing him that nothing was the matter, but she would have to find the very embarrassing words to tell him what seemed to be her problem. He waited for her answer.

"You know how sometime expectations are not always met. You build something up in your mind and then they don't quite happen as you imagine and so you are a little deflated by reality."

He nodded he quirked his brow waiting for her to finish. But she said nothing.

"What pray tell has gotten you deflated?"

She turned redder if that was at all possible and she started squirming in her seat.

"Eden, tell me what the problem is. I can not fix something if I do not know what it is I am to fix"

"Silly me thought we would be kissing the whole way to the farm. I discovered I really like kissing and after our little adventure I think I would like to explore more of the art of kissing. It sends tingling to all parts of my body. It's you know like, riding a horse at full gallop. Your heart is racing, and it feels like it is going to jump right out of your chest. Or your racing and your about to win the race and your body does all sorts of funny things. That is the only way I can describe the feeling I would like to share with you. If it is a burden I could find someone else at another time to enjoy the feelings with."

He groaned he had planned on having a talk with her and what arrangements they could make to suit both of their needs. He would talk with her later right now he just wanted to spend the next six hours kissing those pouty lips of hers, and other places all over her body. Nikki pulled her to his side of the carriage and placed her on his lap. God help him he was under this woman spell and he could do nothing but comply with her wishes.

Eden sighed when his tongue slipped into her mouth the kiss was gentle and demanding he seemed to want her as much as she wanted him. The urgency with which they were kissing was giving Eden rise to excitement that was filling her with unadulterated joy. Suddenly Nikki's hands started to move from the back of her head where he was holding her trailing his finger down her neck. He removed his lips from hers and followed the trail his finger had blazed on her sweet tasting skin. He wanted to hold her and caress her but he wasn't sure she would allow it he knew if she did they would both enjoy it but she was an innocent after all.

"Eddie look at me?"

She opened her eyes and took a deep breath she didn't think she had breathed since their lips had met. He was intoxicating, and she was his willing subject.

"Do you trust me?"

She couldn't talk she was only barely able to nod yes.

"Good, now I want you to enjoy love making with me as much as I will enjoy being with you, but I need you to trust me. Do you understand?"

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