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Eden arrived back at her townhouse to Lizzy screaming at all the staff. As soon as Lizzy saw her she started to shout at her.

"Where have you been all day."

"First of all, I don't answer to you, you answer to me. Now what is the problem?"

"Nothing now you're not with the Duke."

Lizzy turned and walked off leaving everyone stunned. She turned to her maid.

"How long has that been going on?"

"three hours."

"I am so sorry I will talk with the Dowager Duchess and see if there is something we can do about her."

"Thank you, my lady."

"I will need help Dressing if you could help me. I need to make sure I am ready for the Gormans ball. Also, I need help with the salve."

Once she was dressed she dismissed her maid she needed to pack somethings just encase Nikki decided they could get away for a few days. She wouldn't need much since they were going to her farm. She couldn't believe how excited she was just at the thought of being alone with Nikki for a few days. She couldn't think of anything but how his kisses made her feel.

Nic sat drinking in his study, he didn't know what to do he would love to ride off with Eden but how wise would it be. Would people accept it as a business dealing. What would his sister say after all Eden was her best friend? Was he ready for matrimony, was she? She said she would only marry for love he knew she liked him and he knew he like if not loved her what kind of marriage would they have if it was only one sided? Could they both have the kind of marriage they both wanted. He took another drink and was getting up when his mother walked into the room.

"Are you ready, the girls will be at the Gromans soon I need to be there to make sure Lizzy doesn't cause any trouble. I didn't know what I was getting into when I told Wayne I would sponsor the girl. Now Eden I think I can find her a good match she is a gem."

At the mention of his mother finding a match for Eden he started to pay more attention to what she was saying.

"Who do you have in mind for Eden?"

"There is Lord Palmer the Earl of Stokes he is wealthy and is looking for a wife. There is also Lord Matthews to name a few."

"I don't think either of them would be a good match for her she likes the country and they stay in the city."

"Nicolas, Wayne and I have talked about the girl's notion that she doesn't want to marry. She is a very good business woman and she runs the horse farm admirably, but she is a woman and needs a man to take care of her in the long run. Neither of us want her to spend her life alone. We want her to have what Natalie has. Don't you?"

"Of course, I want Eden to find happiness but to force a marriage on her would not make her happy."

He cleared his throat what he needed to ask his mother right now was something a man should never even know about their mother.

"You have a question Nicolas?"
"I was wondering what is between you and the Earl, I don't remember the two of you being so close."

His mother laughed

"That my dear boy is none of your business other than to know we have known each other since we were young. Not to change the subject but I should like your opinion on who would be a good match for Eden, Wayne has given me the authority to pick a husband for her and she will be married by the end of the season."

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