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When they arrived at the vicarage Nikki was the one to get out of the carriage and go talk to the Vicar. After all it was early in the morning and no one planned on a Duke arriving to get married at Dawn. She would have like to change clothing her ball dress was rumpled from their little tryst. When Nikki helped her out of the carriage she saw the warm smile on the vicar's face. He had watched them grow up, at least there would be a friendly face at the ceremony.

The Vicar took her gloved hand and bowed over it. He brought Eden in to the vicarage and left her alone to fix herself as well as possible. He met her when she walked out of the room, so he could lead her where they would be having the ceremony.

"I am so glad it is you the Duke has decided to marry Lady Bedford. We in the village watched the two of you growing up, you two have something special."

"Thank you, Vicar that is sweet of you to say."

He led her into the chapel and called his wife and son to witness the union of Nicholas Sheffield Duke of Buckingham and Lady Eden Bedford. To Eden's surprise Nikki had a ring for her. It was a small Jubilee Diamond that would fit on her pinky finger. I was not meant for a wedding ring only as a symbol. On the carriage ride to Paradise farms the silence was maddening, but neither of them knew what to say.

When they arrived at the farm Eden was incensed she had thought of nothing else on the way to the farm but how she would get Nikki to see reason. When she walked into the house Clark was there waiting for them. He bowed to Nikki.

"Your Grace."

He could see Eden was in a fowl mood. He waited to see what she would want from him. He hadn't seen her in this black of mood before, so he waited with patients.

"Clark have Nikki's things brought to the room next door to mine. It is the next best room in the house and after all he is a Duke."

"Yes, my lady."

Without question Clark took the Dukes bag and led him to the room he would be staying in. Eden went to her study to see to her correspondence. To be honest she had a few more details to work out before going upstairs and seducing Nikki. After an hour had passed and she figured Nikki would be settled in his room she made her way upstairs to the master suite. She stood and looked at the door between the room the one Nikki was in. Should she charge in the room or should she wait and think out her plan before acting on it. The bed looked to inviting she decided to sleep for a while.

Nikki tried to sleep but he wasn't having much luck all he could think about was Eden in the next room. Was she sleeping, what would it be like sleeping next to her? Would they be sleeping if they were together? To many thoughts were running through his head, but soon he fell asleep. Eden awoke and decided she had nothing to lose the worst that could happen was he sent her out of the room. The best that could happen is they would share the passion they had in the carriage but first she needed to clean up. She went to her water closet where the previous owner put in a special pool for bathing. It made it, so the staff didn't have to bring up water for her bathing and it was always ready when she needed it after a good day's work out. The water was rose scented, and it was cool which felt good against her warm skin.

Once out of her bath Eden wrapped herself in her towel and proceeded with her plan of seduction. She went to the door between the rooms and gripped the doorknob it was cold in her wet hands and she was having a tough time turning it. When she finally managed she walked silently into the room. Nikki was asleep he looked like a small child all bundled up. A piece of hair curled in the middle of his forehead. She reached out to move it. Before she could pull away Nikki grabbed her and brought her to him. Eden noticed he still seemed to be sleeping. Well it was now or never to in act her plan. She traced her finger along the opening of his shirt that lead from his neck to his chest. He let out a groan and she pulled her hand back. When he settled she resumed her assault? She ran her hands underneath his shirt and found his nipple, she smiled a wicked smile would he react the same way she did when he licked hers. She decided to find out. Nikki jolted awake with the rush of pleasure he felt. He looked around his surroundings unfamiliar, but he was positive a warm body was next to him and then he shook himself and saw Eden next to him. At first it didn't register why Eden was in his bed then it dawned on him she was his wife his Duchess.

She ignored that he had awaken and continued with her advances. Nikki was inclined to let her explore. When she finally lifted her head, she saw Nikki smiling at her. She smiled up at him her hair disheveled and wild making her look quite the wild woman.

"Rest Well?"

"I think I am resting quite well. Pray tell what do you think you are doing? do not get the wrong impression I am liking it. I am just wondering?"

"I thought I would see if I could make you feel what I felt earlier. I want to explore your body with my hands and my..."

Her words trailed off and she started to show him instead. Her kisses trailed down his body. He took in a deep when she reached his arousal and she licked the tip teasing him with her tongue. She took him in her mouth using her tongue to explore every part of him. He made a mental note to find out where his wife learned this kind of assault on a male body, after all in the carriage he hadn't the opportunity to show her the pleasure of oral stimulation. Nic's eyes were closed enjoying her sweet assault when she suddenly stopped, and he felt her weight adjust on top of him. Eden straddled Nikki and used her hand to guide him inside of her. He watched as she rode him as if she was ridding one of her prize-winning stallions driving him deeper and deeper into her until he was ready to explode. He wanted her to find her release before he found his or at least they could find their release together. He used his finger to find that one spot that would send her over the edge with passion. Once he started to feel her climax he was able to release she furiously rocked her hips in motion to the rhythm of an unheard melody driving her body into a wild frenzy of desire. Eden clasped on top of Nikki

"Oh, that was heavenly. We should do that again?"

"Nikki smiled, maybe we should rest a bit, but we will most certainly do that again."

She sighed as if a little disappointed. He had never met a woman with such a sexual appetite. He leaned up and kissed the top of her head. He knew it was going to be hard to let her live her life away from him, but he had promised she could have her freedom and he would do anything to make her happy even if it killed him inside to do so.

"Who pray tell taught you such love making?"

She giggled and nipped his nipple.

"You will not like the answer to that question your grace."

He groaned a lot of things raced through his head, but none matched the answer she gave."

She trailed kisses up to meet his face, and then assaulted his face with more kisses. When she looked in to his eyes and saw the warmth she knew she could tell him. He would probably laugh.

"Your sister told me all kinds of things about love making. She said it was better I heard those kinds of things from her rather than someone who would give me a less impractical approach to it. She did say I could ask your mother about it. But I thought she wouldn't give me all the details Natalie would. Where you pleased?"

He groaned he had been more than pleased. He told her by kissing her passionately. He was going to have to thank his sister for her thoughtfulness.

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