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Eden woke up and bounced out of bed the pain in her feet forgotten. Today was the day she would announce to the world she was Nikki's Duchess, and she could move back into his room. They had decided they would never sleep apart if they were in the same place. She called Callie to help her dress. She would make the entire day special. She hoped they were not going to make her go throughout the day by not seeing the groom until the wedding, since she had big plans to make this day a special one.

She gave orders for Callie to have the cook prepare a basket and to let the stable hand know she needed Edolas and Arcadia saddled. She then went to Nikki's room not bothering to knock on the door. To be honest if he were naked she preferred him that way. She climbed into bed with her sleeping husband and started to assault him with kisses. He woke up pleasantly surprised but not sure what she was about and how she had even gotten into to the room she should not be walking.

"I have a surprise for you we are going riding and spending the entire day together."

"A ride? How are you handling wearing ridding boots your feet are going to get infected?"

"It's my wedding day I can do anything it's a magical day for all brides."

He became concerned.

"Should you be riding in your condition?"

"I will ask the doctor later but right now I have a basket of food and two horses waiting for us."

He got dressed but he insisted on carrying her down the stairs he did not want her to risk any more problems with the burns. The first set caused them enough grief. Eden saw the angry look cross Nikki's face.

"Is something wrong?"

"I was just thinking of how much I still want to hurt Lizzy for hurting you?"

"I have heard from Millie Lizzie will be married off to a young shop keeper in the village, Millie says he is a nice man and has always had feelings for Lizzy."

"Do they like the gentlemen?"

"I do not think they hate him. I have met him a time or two. Even though my brother and him are not of the same social status they are friends and the man will be good to Lizzy."

"I am not sure I am worried about him being good to Lizzy but is she going to be good to him?"

"Millie said if she does not marry him she is having Edward cut her off and she will place her in a home for the insane since she tried to hurt me that is a crime and with his connections he can get her placed in one of those homes instead of prison."

"Families are complicated."

She laughed and snuggled into him.

"I love your scent."

"I am glad you like it your grace, but that seems an odd thing to say."

"Not really there is something I can not put my finger on but the way you smell is something I always liked. Before I left to go home the year I was thirteen you threw out an old shirt you had used. You accidently threw it in to a pile of things Natalie and I were being tasked to mend. Somehow it got placed in my things and it came home with me. I made a pillow case out of it and slept with it every night."

He rolled his eyes only a woman would think of something so strange to keep a piece of a man clothing for her to sleep with. They finally made it to the stables where their horses were waiting for them. The groom handed the basket to Nic and they were soon off. Since this was Eden's idea he would let her lead. At first, he thought she was taking him to the lake there was still the bench and making love in the water she needed to cross off her list, but she past the lake and moved on. She took him to the highest point of his land and surprised him when she stopped and got off her horse.

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