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March 1824 London

Eden and Lizzy arrived at the Earls London townhouse at Noon on March 24. They had traveled all night to be able to get things done during the day. Eden had fittings later in the day, so she was eager to rest before she went to Mrs.Shays's salon. Upon arriving at the townhouse Eden found a tray of cards inviting her and Lizzy to the parties they were there to attend. There was also a letter from the Dowager Duchess with a list of the first couple of weeks of parties they would be attending. Eden laughed at her father's final warning before the coach left the estate

"You must attend all the functions the Duchess sets up for you two she is going to be the sponsor for the two of you."

She had to wonder if he remembered she was no longer looking for a husband. The morning of the first party was the first time Eden had a few minutes to escape to the park to ride Edolas the horse she had brought with her to ride when she was able. It was dawn when she left the townhouse no one should be up she should be able to ride astride and not scandalize anyone and she could give him a good run before the park got to crowed.

Nicholas was out riding Arcadia before the crowds arrived. He had only arrived in the city yesterday, but he already missed the country. He heard the galloping of a horse coming towards him he looked to see who the early morning rider was. He would know that rider anywhere his breath caught as he watched her ebony hair flowing behind her and ridding with reckless abandonment it was Eden. What was she doing in town. The last he heard she removed herself from the marriage market to live in the country raising horses. It was something the two of them had in common they both loved horses his farm had reached the level as one of the top breeders in England he heard she was trying to make a name for her farm as well.

He thought back to the last time he saw her, she had spent the summer at the family manor with his twin sister Natalie they were thirteen and it was Eden's last morning at the manor and he found her alone in the ball room twirling herself around the dancefloor as if she had a partner. He waited for her to be facing him and he stepped in and they danced across the dancefloor with only the music playing in their heads. He smiled at the memory and the brightness in her beautiful baby blue eyes they had always reminding him of sparkling diamonds. He remembered he promised her that one day he they would waltz to music. He wondered if she was in town for the season he would have to ask his mother.

Lizzy was having a tizzy fit she didn't like anything about the way she looked. Eden heard the shattering of something glass and went to go see what the girl was about. When Eden walked in she saw the remints of a perfume bottle dripping down the wall. The maid looked like she was ready to bolt out of the room and have a good cry.

"What seems to be the problem?"

Lizzy turned on Eden and started to screech.

"Look at me no one is going to want to be seen with me."

Eden took a deep breath and smiled at the girl.

"You look stunning you are just nervous. I felt that way myself my first season. But trust me the dress you are wearing will turn all the men's heads and you will be the bell of the ball."

Lizzy twirled around in front of the mirror.

"Do you think so?"

Eden laughed

"Of course, with your blond hair and hazel eyes the men will not be able to resist you. Who knows you might even attract a Duke or two."

Mollified Lizzy let the maid finish dressing her. Eden went back to her room to finish her dressing. She could understand how Lizzy was feeling after all she hadn't been in a ballroom for a while and at one and twenty she had placed herself on the proverbial shelf. Callie her maid had done an excellent job in making her look beautiful she had a braid across the top of her head and the rest of her hair was down in ringlets and in the braid, she had small gem stones matching her eyes and her dress. With her raven black hair, she looked stunning, well that is what she told her self after all most of the time she wore her riding clothes she hadn't dressed up like this in a very long time.

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