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On the ride home Eden was dropped off first since the rest of them were going to the same place. She went upstairs and made the room ready for Nikki's arrival tonight she decided to torcher him with an erotic dance she had been told about. She would see if he liked it and the lingerie she was wearing.

Nikki arrived an hour later to a not very happy wife. He tried to comfort her, but she was upset and for the life of him he didn't know why.

"What's wrong luv?"

"I am confused is all you tell me we can't do anything naughty and then your try to seduce me at the theater. Why do you get to be naughty and I have to be proper?"

He was laughing at her tantrum, but her words stopped him.

"I didn't do anything to you at the theater. I would not with my mother present I told you that."

"What you are saying is you were not the one rubbing my leg with your foot?"

Now Nic was angry who had been trying to play footsies with his wife? Eden could see the look on his face and she knew it wasn't him. Who had been assaulting her person? It seemed to be coming from his side but how would anyone else do it. She didn't have an answer, but she became very shaken.

Nic came over and held her. He didn't know who had touched her, but he damn well was going to find out. That night when they made love it wasn't wild as the night before it was slow and sweet. Nikki showered her with affection paying each of her body parts the respect each one deserved. Eden fell asleep after satisfied and happy. Nic was not so fortunate. He needed to figure out who would have touched her without permission. He had a feeling and if he was right he would kill him and hang for it if necessary.

The next morning Eden awoke in Nikki's arms. Life was good right now and she wanted it to stay that way, but she didn't know how to keep him. He still refused to tell the world they were married. She smiled to herself sneaking around had its perks. Then it dawned on her what would happen if they got caught he would have to acknowledge the marriage. It was the reason he married her, so her reputation wouldn't be ruined by gossip. Life might be good, but it was complicated. Eden slid out of bed and went to clean up and get ready for their daily ride. She had noticed Nikki had brought clothes with him. She would have Callie clean and press his other clothes. When Eden finished dressing, Nikki was still asleep. She decided to shower him with kisses to wake him.

He was pleasantly awakened, but disappointed when she pulled away when his eyes opened.

"I would like to ride this morning, Your Grace if you are not up and ready in fifteen minutes. I will go without you. After all I have a lot of men watching me ride I am sure one will think they can take your place riding with me."

He grabbed her and brought her down and kissed her.

"No other gentlemen will ride with you. You are mine and mine alone."

She liked hearing his words but until he announced their marriage they were just words. He was ready and out the window within ten minutes. He even beat her to the front door where he was announced. Eden rolled her eyes and laughed he was so cheeky. Both were surprised while on their ride Rafael joined them. The men watched as Eden road ahead of them her hair blowing in the wind. It would be the image Nic would remember well into his old age. Raf broke his train of thought.

"She is a beauty."

"I think you should stay away from her?"

Raf laughed, he knew his cousin was smitten with the girl and he should respect that regardless of what Natalie wanted from him, but he was learning there was a much wilder side to Lady Bedford and he was intrigued.

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