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The next morning Eden was up and pacing she wanted to go riding. She knew if she did she would anger Nikki and that was something she didn't want to do. Was she willing to do something she shouldn't be doing at the risk of losing her hands. Maybe a walk in the garden would make her feel less caged up. She rang for her maid and waited to have her help her dress for the day. When the maid entered she was carrying one of her dresses altered to be loose on her shoulders. Someone had to stay up to alter the dress.

"Thank you for altering the dress I appreciate it."

The maid blushed, and curtsied.

"It was nothing my lady. Would you like a bath before you dress for the day since you won't be riding?"

"No, I think I would like to dress and have my morning meal in the garden if that would be possible?"

When walking out of her room she was meet with the guard who had been placed to watch her room. Before he thought she was doing anything nefarious she mentioned she was only going to the garden he didn't talk he nodded his understanding and resumed watch over her room. She went to the garden and sat and looked at the flowers. This was not doing anything to calm her, so she decided to walk the garden until her food arrived. She took time to smell the flowers after all she didn't have anything else to do. After her meal she took to the study waiting for noon and the arrival of Nikki.

Nic arrived at noon as promised and was brought to the study where Eden had been she was sitting at the desk looking over ledgers. She looked up when the door opened, and she seemed to shine when she saw him. It did funny things to his person he needed to get a grip on his emotions the girl was going to make him embarrass himself in front of her.

"I brought my new Phaeton I thought you might like a drive in that instead of a stuffy old carriage."

He was rewarded with a smile that sent his heart to the moon and back. She got up out of the chair and flew across the room it wasn't very lady like Nic noted but it was quite Eden like. As they were on their way out the door Lizzy came rushing down the stairs.

"I am ready to go too."

Nikki and Eden looked at one another as what Lizzy was talking about. It was Eden who spoke not too kindly to Lizzy by this time she about had it with her trying to take Nikki for her own.

"You were not invited and there is no room for you in the Phaeton also this is a business trip I am sure Nikki doesn't need a petulant child around while he is conducting business."

They walked out the door leaving Lizzy with her mouth open on the stairs. Nikki helped Eden into the and they were off before Lizzy decided to come out to make a scene.

"So where are we going for this business meeting?"

"It's a surprise but first I thought we would get something to eat at Rules."

"That would be lovely."

Nikki had sent a message ahead to Rules that he would be coming and what he wanted served. He did this, so he wouldn't embarrass Eddie when or if she had to tell someone about her sensitivity to oranges. He always remembered when they were at his estate and cook placed an orange garnish on her plate and she almost died on them. He was not going to let that happen again. When they got to Rules they were brought to a privet dining room where it had been totally scrubbed so there was no chance Eden would come in contact with an orange.

Nic never remembered enjoying a dinner with a woman as he was right now. They talked business without the least little bit of awkwardness, they talked about the ton and how some of the up coming parties neither of them was looking forward too. And he found out that Eddie was going to take time out of the season to attend the Derby. They made plans to attend together it was the perfect balance of life. He knew he had feelings for her he had always had feelings for her. He had never really hidden them well he always asked after her she had never been far from his mind. He just needed to know how she felt, he knew she liked kissing him but to be honest he had never had any complaints in that department.

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