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     After they shared a lunch Eden took him out to the stables to see the two grays she had. Eden waited for him to inspect them and if he decided if they would do to match the two he had sold the circus.

"Do you think they will do? I don't want to waste your time if you don't think they will be a match for the two you sold."

He laughed at her he had been watching her while he was inspecting the horses she had been holding her breath waiting for his verdict.

"They are exquisite, they will do fine."

He had to laugh again she looked like she was going to jump and squeal with happiness. He ignored her and turned to her manager.

"Have them delivered to the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. I will let the owner know to expect them."

He turned to Eden.

"let me see your hands?"

She stuck out her hands for him to see. They looked dried they didn't look like they would bleed or cause her problems if she rode.

"Would you like to ride back to London instead of in a carriage?"

He could see the wheels working in that little head of hers. Riding back, she would do something she loved riding horseback for three hours or ride back in a carriage for six hours and being alone with him. He made the decision for her after all no one was supposed to know they were married and getting her back sooner, so they could make an appearance at what ever ball his mother had planned would keep the gossip at bay. Also, at this point he didn't think anyone would have missed her since she was known to come in late and leave early before anyone saw her.

"We will take a couple of horses. Your manager can bring the horses and carriage back to town."

He could see she was a little disappointed and leaned over and whispered in her ear. She still looked disappointed but nodded her agreement. They left with in the hours and headed back to London where they would pretend nothing had happened between them. Eden knew she was going to have to figure out something to make him realize he couldn't live without her and she didn't want to live without him. She had always loved him and always would.

When they arrived back in the city they rode to her townhouse first where they parted ways. He had business and she needed to make sure no one knew they had left town alone together. Her part in all of this seemed stupid to her. This life he wanted them to live was ridiculous and she needed to figure out a way to make him understand it. She would need a little help and she knew just who to ask.

Eden changed her clothing and decided to pay a visit to Natalie. Upon her arrival she found Natalie wasn't alone she was babysitting Lizzy along with her mother. The Duchess gave Eden a stern look.

"Have you made any progress on the task I set you on?"

"I came to talk with Natalie about a little help."

The Duchess stood up abruptly.

"Lizzy it is time for us to go we need to get ready for the ball tonight."

She turned to Eden

"I expect you at the ball on time."

"Yes, your grace I will be there."

The Duchess kissed her daughter good-bye and then her and Lizzy left Natalie and Eden to figure out how to get Nikki to understand that she wanted a marriage not a business arrangement. When the girls were alone Eden tried to make Natalie understand Nikki was being stupid without telling her they had been married just that morning.

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