"What are we doing here?"

"We are going to have a picnic. I Thought we would look out over the land and look at its beauty and know that we are the stewards of keeping this and the people here safe."

"That is not very romantic. I thought we were..."

She laughed and patted the ground next to where she was sitting.

"Not everything has to do with making love. I will make passionate love to you tonight your grace but for now we will have an innocent picnic like two people who can control themselves and their passions."

He was surprised she meant what she said this was to be a picnic nothing more. They did more talking during this picnic then they had in the two months they had been married. She started the conversation.

"I thought we could talk about what it is we want for our future. We never discussed it. We took a ride and got married on the way to my farm which I guess is now yours. I have known you my entire life, but I could not tell you if you want children or even if you like children. How many children do you want other than your heir. Where will me make our home. Things we never discussed because we tried so hard to keep a secret."

He laid down with his head in her lap looking into the sky. I love children, I am happy we are going to start our own family. I will take as many children after my heir as the lord gives us. A big family would be nice but so would a family of two. Both of us came from loving families and there were only two children in each. If you were not able to have children I would then pass the dukedom on to my sisters' son. You are more important to me than my entire estate and title. We will live where you like, but I personally like Sheffield my breeding farm is there, but I will say I am going to have one of those baths you have at your farm put into our water closet."

He looked up at Eden and smile.

"Just so you understand we will be partners in the farms and we will run them together. I am sorry I could not keep the promise I made to you."

She leaned down and kissed him.

"I never wanted you to keep that promise all I ever wanted since I was thirteen years old and you danced with me was you. Not your title not your land not your horse. Well maybe a horse, just kidding but you, that is all I have ever wanted."

When they arrived back to the manor the house was in an uproar. Natalie and Nic were both missing, but Nic was now found so that was not as much as a concern as Natalie missing along with Justin. Nic left Eden in the care of her family then went to go seek his sister at the tree house. When he arrived, he saw the lights burning? He climbed the ladder and knocked soundly on the door.

"Mother is frantic she has not seen you since last night."

"Go away."

"Do you want me to tell mother where you are and what the two of you are doing?"

She opened the door just, so she could peek out at him.

"Go away we will be back soon? Tell mother we are find and will be back later."

"You do realize Eden is counting on you to help her get ready for this surprise wedding you and mother cooked up."

Natalie looked defeated Nic was right she needed to help Eden prepare for the wedding.

"Justin dear playtime is over. Duty calls."

Fifteen minutes later Justin and Natalie came out of the tree house looking quite disheveled. He certainly did not look like the Marquis of Louth who was always impeccably dressed.

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