Colin slid his finger in and out of Braden, quickening his pace as he moved his hand up and down Braden's member. "Co-linnn I'm-" Braden was cut off when his entire body was rocked with an amazing orgasm as hot white liquid shot out of his member. Colin continued pumping up and down Braden's shaft until Braden completely rode out his orgasm, twitching slightly as he did so.

Colin and Braden continued like this for a while, until Braden was spent and couldn't take anymore. The two quickly cleaned up and brushed their teeth, then went to bed. They both laid down on Colin's bed and Colin pulled the smaller boy close to him, hugging him close to his chest. He kissed Braden's cheek and smiled slightly, drifting off to sleep.

Both Braden and Colin woke up to an alarm blaring in their ears, waking them up almost instantly. Braden groaned and rolled over, stuffing his face into Colin's toned chest. Colin nudged him slightly and Braden opened his eyes, glaring at Colin with sleepy eyes. "I don't wanna get up." He groaned, burying his face further into Colin's chest, closing his eyes once again.

"We have to get up, babe." Colin said, rolling Braden over on his back. Braden slowly peeled his eyes open, faded dark circles under his eyes. Braden slowly got out of bed and went over to his closet, picking out his nicest button down and blazer, along with a pair of slacks. He changed into the clothes and put on his dress shoes, looking at himself in the mirror.

He smiled slightly and went into the bathroom, brushing his hair and his teeth. He went back into the room and saw Colin standing there, pulling on a nice pair of dress shoes. "Ready for the big day?" Colin asked, a bright smile on his face. Braden nodded his head, a nervous smile on his face. He couldn't help but feel nervous.

It was the biggest day of the year, and all he had to do to mess it up was miss a step when he climbed the stage to get his diploma. After talking for a minute the boys set off toward the auditorium, walking in with the rest of their classmates. Most of the staff was already in there, seated on the bleachers and talking quietly among themselves.

Once everyone was inside they all went to get their caps and gowns on, preparing for the ceremony to start. Everyone went into the backroom and found their outfits, then all of them changed. After everybody changed they all lined up where they were supposed to. Braden smiled when he saw Finn and Maria together, the two of them chatting with Liam.

The three smiled back at him, all of them excited for graduation as well. Braden got in line where he was told to the day of the rehearsal and stood there patiently, waiting for the ceremony to start. Soon after the hired pianist began playing the graduation music, and one by one the kids began walking down the isle to their chairs. Then it was Braden's turn.

The nervous butterflies suddenly left and Braden walked to his seat with ease, not thinking about tripping over his own feet once. After everyone was seated the principal, Mr. Edwards, came up to the podium, beginning to talk about the great school year and all that. After a bunch of long speeches and awards, everyone got their diplomas and the ceremony was over, then it was time for the reception.

Everyone changed out of their caps and gowns and back into their uniforms, then went into the reception area with their parents and the staff. Braden saw his parents talking with a couple teachers and made his way over to them, Colin tagging along behind him. Braden's mom, Wendy, smiled at Colin, having talked to Braden about him on the phone.

"Hello, you must be Colin. I'm Braden's mom, Wendy." She said with a kind smile, holding her hand out to Colin. "Hello, ma'am." Colin said, smiling back at her. Braden's dad didn't wear a smile, but wore a stern face, almost like a scowl. It took a lot to make Braden's dad, Michael, smile. He always had a frown on his face it seemed.

"Hello, Colin." Michael said with a nod. "Hello, sir." Colin said, a smile adorning his face. "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Colin." Braden said, looking at his parents skeptically. "That's great honey! Oh, you two look so cute together!" She said, pinching Braden's cheek, a wide smile on her face. "Hey, hey. Watch the face, this is the money maker." Braden said, pointing to his face.

Wendy laughed and smiled again, something she did often. "Well, are you ready to go Braden?" She asked. "Your father and I got your stuff packed up from your dorm room." Braden nodded with a sad smile, not ready to leave yet. "We'll Skype every day and visit on weekends." Braden said, looking at Colin with a serious expression.

"Of course." Colin said, a small smile playing on his lips. "I have to say bye to Finn and Maria first." Braden said, taking off to find his friends. He finally found them talking to their parents and walked over there, standing behind them. "Hey guys." He said, getting their attention. "Hey, B." Maria said, a sad smile on her face.

"Don't worry, we don't live that far away." She said, pulling him in for a side hug. "Yeah, it'll be alright." Finn said, hugging Braden tightly. "No homo though." He added. Braden chuckled, hugging Finn back. "Bye guys, see ya' soon." He said, walking back over to his parents. "Okay, I'm ready." He said with an affirmative nod.

"Bye Colin." He said, pulling Colin in for a quick kiss. "We shall meet again soon." He added. Colin nodded at him and took off with his parents, leaving Braden alone with his parents. "Okay, we're ready to go now." He said, following behind his parents as they left Jadeville Academy. They got in the car and pulled out of the parking lot, leaving the school forever.

With a sad sigh, Braden laid his head on the window, looking at the building as they left the school. His frown turned into a smile as he thought about seeing Colin again soon, and he was suddenly excited for summer. With those thoughts on his mind, a smile consumed Braden's face. It was going to be a good summer for all of them.



Sadly, this is the end of the story. I know it was short but I didn't intend for it to be long, so yeah. I hope you enjoyed it, if you did plz like and comment. Thanks! <3

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