In The Dark | 7

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**Braden's POV**


Did I hear him correctly? Did he just say he likes me? The Colin Akridge likes me? "What?" I said, turning my full attention to him. "W-What, never mind. Forget it." He said, hurrying back into the living room, leaving me utterly confused. I followed Colin into the living room, wanting an explanation.

He liked me, but wanted me to forget it? I looked around but didn't see any sign of Colin. I sighed and decided it was a lost cause. I would probably see him in our dorm later anyway. I took my phone out and clicked on Finn's contact, calling him. After a few rings he finally picked up. "What's up, Braden?" He said, yelling over the loud music.

"Can we get out of here?" I yelled, plugging one of my ears so I could hear better. "Sure." He said. "Meet me in the kitchen." He added and hung up. I rolled my eyes and pushed my way through the crowd in an attempt to get to the kitchen.  I finally made it through the sweaty bodies and found Finn standing alone in the kitchen.

He smiled once he saw me and we left the party, heading back towards the dorms. As soon as I made it back to my dorm I flopped down face first on my bed. I was so confused about what was happening with Colin.. Did he like me, or did he like like me. I sighed, hopping off of my bed and walking into the bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth and went back into my room. I changed into some loose sweats and a tank top, then turned off the light. I got in bed and let my thoughts drift off, eventually falling asleep.


I woke up with a slight headache and sat up in bed. I rubbed my temples and got out of bed, heading into the bathroom. I did my business and brushed my teeth, then walked back into my room. I saw Colin sleeping peacefully, getting the urge to wake him up. After all, he didn't explain his feelings for me, leaving me quite anxious.

I decided to let him sleep and got dressed. I put on a black tank top and black ripped jeans, matching it with my black converse. I heard my stomach growl and grabbed my phone to check the time. It was a little past 11 o'clock, so I figured I should go get something to eat. Not really wanting to eat the school's food I texted Maria and Finn to meet me out by my car so we could go pick something up.

We all met up and I got in the car, Maria getting in the passenger's seat and Finn in the back. "So what do you guys wanna eat?" I asked, not really sure what I wanted to eat myself. "Uh, I'm a girl thank you very much." Maria said, crossing her arms. "Oh don't go all feminist on me now." Finn sighed, a small smile playing on his lips.

Maria gasped in fake hurt. "I would never!" She yelled. "Will you calm down please? I have a headache." I sighed, seeing that her yelling was making the pain worse. "Party a little too hard last night?" Finn asked, leaning forward so he could hear me better. "Yeah, but not as hard as Maria. She thought I was you last night and kissed me." I sighed, shaking my head.

Her eyes widened and she looked over at me. We both made disgusted faces at each other. "Ew, heteros." I said, sticking my tongue out at them. "Hey hey, eyes on the road." Finn said. We chatted on the way there and finally decided to go to some formal restaurant. Our parents always had quite a bit of money on our credit cards so we could buy a lot.

I pulled into the parking lot and we all got out of the car, heading into the restaurant. The hostess seated us and a waiter came and took our drink orders. "So how was the party last night? I can't remember a thing." Maria sighed, brushing her hair out of her eyes. I visibly paled, not really wanting to talk about what happened at the party.

"Braden, you okay?" Finn asked, seeing my change in mood. "Y-Yeah." I mumbled, looking down at my menu. The waiter came back and we ordered our food, talking as we waited. "Do you know what happened to Colin last night? He looked like he'd seen a ghost when I saw him before we left." Finn said, glancing over at me and sipping his soda.

"I don't know." I lied, shrugging my shoulders. Maria raised an eyebrow at me suspiciously, obviously not believing me. Finn dropped the subject and eventually the waiter came back, giving us our food. We ate in comfortable silence and I paid for our food, then we all left. "Where to now?" I asked as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"We could go see a movie." Maria suggested from the backseat, leaning forward a little bit. "Alright, what's playing?" I asked. Finn pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked to see what was playing in theaters. We decided to see some movie called The Meg, and I drove in the direction of the movie theater.

I pulled into the parking lot and we all got out of the car, heading inside the building. We paid for our tickets and got a bunch of snacks and drinks, then went into the movie room. After a shit ton of previews played the movie finally came on. We whispered to each other throughout the whole movie and ate all the food we bought.

Eventually the movie ended and we left the theater. "We should probably head back to school. It's almost time for dinner." Maria said, checking the time on her phone. "Yeah." Finn said. I nodded my head and went to the school, eventually making it back in time for dinner. "God, I shouldn't have eaten so many snacks, I'm fucking bloated." Maria sighed, clutching her stomach.

"You eat too much, fat ass." I chuckled, stepping out of the car. "You are so rude to me. Finn, beat him up for me." She said, crossing her arms stubbornly. I gasped, my eyes widening. "You would never, would you Finn?" I said, turning my attention to Finn. "Hmm, girlfriend or best friend. Well, one gives me sex and the other is just there." He said, thinking of who to choose.

"Well screw you too." I sighed, a hint of a smile on my face. We all walked into the building and made it to the dining hall. "Damn it smells good in here." Finn said, taking a big whiff of the air. "You're weird." I said, shaking my head at him. "Very." Maria nodded in agreement. Finn and I both got food but Maria skipped out, saying she was stuffed with junk food.

We sat down at our usual table, eating our pizza. "Mmm. This is so fucking good." Finn sighed, a moan leaving his mouth. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him. "You having a foodgasm over there?" I said, trying to suppress my laughter. He glared at me in return, narrowing his eyes. "No, it's just good ya' prick." He said, narrowing his eyes further.

"Sure, sure." I laughed, taking a bite of my salad. Maria just laughed at us, sipping her water. We continued eating and finished our food, then left the dining hall. I made it back to my dorm and flopped down on my bed. I ran a hand through my messy curls and glanced over at Colin's side of the room. He was watching something on his laptop, a smile present on his face.

He looked adorable. I smiled slightly when I saw him. He glanced up when he noticed me looking at him and blushed, fixing his gaze back on his laptop. I laughed softly and got out of bed. I sat down at my desk and turned on my computer, getting on YouTube. I watched videos for a few hours and stood up from my desk.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then headed back into my room. I got in bed and closed my eyes, thoughts of Colin on my mind. I smiled softly to myself before drifting off to sleep.


So I updated.. Kind of rushed so it may not be very good, but here it is. Vote and comment? :)

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