In The Dark | 2

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Colin had finally gotten out of the shower, wearing just a pair of sweatpants. And that definitely did not help Braden's problem any. If anything, it made it worse. Braden had yet to change out of his school trousers, but he had taken off the button down shirt. His pants were uncomfortably tight, and to him it hurt like a mother.

As soon as Colin was back in the room, Braden jumped off of his bed and walked to the bathroom. Colin's gazed traveled down Braden's stomach and he noticed the bulge in his pants. His eyes widened slightly, and Braden realized that Colin had noticed. Colin quickly looked away, and hopped into bed.

He put in his earphones, and Braden sighed. "Dammit." He mumbled, trudging into the bathroom. "I shoud've walked faster." He breathed out, taking off his pants and boxers. He made sure the water was cold, and stepped into the shower. Colin was fairly confused. Why did Braden have a boner? Was it because of him..?

Colin could only imagine what Braden was doing in the shower. He let out a sigh, and clicked off of Youtube. He opened up his contacts and sent a quick text to Toby, asking him to come over. Toby quickly responded with a yes, and said he would be over in a couple minutes. After another song played, Toby knocked on the door.

Colin jumped off of his bed and unlocked the door, letting Toby come in. "What movie do you wanna watch?" Colin asked, jumping back onto his bed. Toby shrugged and sat down next to Colin. After scrolling through Netflix, the two eventually decided on a movie called Hush. Shortly after, Braden came back into the room with a towel around his waist.

He opened his closet and grabbed some boxers and athletic shorts. Colin kept looking at Braden, and remembered how excited Braden was about fifteen minutes ago. Now the same thing was happening to Colin. Braden changed into the clothes, and hopped on his bed. He risked a glance at Colin, and noticed Colin was already staring at him.

Braden blushed and looked away, turning off the lamp beside his bed. He rolled over, facing the opposite of the other boys, and closed his eyes, eventually drifting off to sleep with Colin still in his thoughts.

Braden woke up to his alarm blaring in his ear. His eyes snapped open and he slapped the shit out of the alarm, causing it to land in the floor. "Shut the fuck up!" He yelled at it, running a hand through his bed head. "God damn alarm." He mumbled, rolling back over. He heard snickering and opened his eyes.

His eyes were met with beautiful chocolate brown ones. "You're really not a morning person, are you?" Toby laughed, and Braden rolled his eyes. "I didn't sleep worth a shit last night, and I'm tired as hell." He said, closing his eyes. "Too bad, we have class, so get your ass up." Colin said, chucking a pillow at Braden's head.

Braden groaned, but reluctantly got up. He rubbed his eyes, and hopped out of bed. He walked over to his closet and pulled a shirt off the hanger, along with a pair of pants. He tugged off his shorts and quickly pulled on his pants, and grabbed his button down shirt. He pulled his arms through the sleeves and buttoned it up.

He slipped on his black Converse and walked into the bathroom. He ran a hand through his hair, making it messier than before. He sighed and put some hairspray in it, making it stay in place. He brushed his teeth and walked back into the room. Colin and Toby had already left, leaving Braden by himself.

He shut the door and locked it, leaving the dorms and starting towards the academic building. He met up with Finn and Maria, and they walked to their first classes. The morning slowly dragged by, with Braden getting yelled at for skipping his detention, and it was finally lunch time. Colin walked into the cafeteria with his friends, and they made their way to the lunch line, and Colin saw that Braden was already in line.

He'd come to the conclusion that Braden's boner was just random, and that it had nothing to do with him. But little did he know how turned on Braden got when Colin was in the same room as him. "Colin's staring at your ass." Maria whispered in Braden's ear, causing him to blush furiously. He glared at her, and grabbed his tray.

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