In The Dark | 8

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**3rd Person POV**


Monday morning finally rolled around and Braden slowly got out of bed. Colin had avoided him Sunday so they didn't get the chance to talk, putting Braden in a bad mood. He trudged into the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting the water warm up. Once the water was hot Braden stripped down and got in the shower, the water warming his body.

He quickly washed his hair and body and got out of the shower, drying himself off. He wrapped a towel around his waist and went back into the room, picking out some clothes to wear. He picked a nice button down shirt and slacks, along with a blazer and black vans. Braden went back into the bathroom and ran a hairbrush through his messy blonde locks, then brushed his teeth.

Colin had left early to get breakfast, but Braden knew that Colin was just avoiding him. He sighed to himself before leaving the dorm, heading to the academic building. He didn't have time to meet up with Finn or he'd be late to class. And he hated being late to Ms. Biggson's class. After he finally made it to English class Braden plopped down in his seat.

Soon after Liam walked into the room. "Hey Braden." He said with a friendly smile, sitting down next to Braden. "Hey Liam." Braden said, returning the smile. They chatted for a while and eventually Liam started mindlessly flirting with Braden. Or so, Braden thought it was mindless flirting. Anyone else could've easily seen that Liam was really flirting with Braden.

"I'm not a photographer, but I can picture us together." Liam said with a small smile. Braden chuckled and tried to think of a good, cheesy pick-up line. "Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?" Braden said, cracking a grin. Liam laughed, his pearly white teeth showing. "Are you from Tennessee, 'cause your the only ten I see." Liam said, laughing at the pick-up line.

They continued reciting pick-up lines to each other, not noticing Colin watching with jealously in his eyes. Ms. Biggson finally came into the room and started the lesson and everyone quieted down. After English was over everyone hurried out of the classroom, leaving Liam and Colin alone in the room together. "Hey, are you and Braden a thing?" Colin asked, trying to sound casual as he followed Liam out of the room.

"No, not yet." Liam said, a smile playing on his lips. "Why?" He added, fixing his gaze on Colin. "Oh uh, no reason." Colin said, ducking his head and continuing on to his class. Liam could tell that Colin was lying but shrugged it off, figuring he was just friends with Braden. But little did he know that Colin also liked Braden, creating competition for Liam

Through the rest of the morning Colin kept a close eye on Braden and Liam, making sure that Liam didn't get too buddy buddy with Braden. Eventually lunch rolled around, and Braden made his way to the cafeteria with Finn and Maria, Liam tagging along behind them. "Soo, how have things been with Liam?" Maria whispered, a small smile on her face.

"Pretty good." Braden said, nodding his head and raising an eyebrow at Maria, who wore a huge grin on her face. "Yes! I knew my ship would sail!" She yelled in excitement, earning an eye roll from Braden. They finally made it to the cafeteria and got in the lunch line, getting there food. Lunch was broccoli and cheese alfredo, one of Braden's favorites. "Damn this looks good." Braden said, licking his lips.

"And you call me weird." Finn chuckled, shaking his head at his best friend. "I should've went to public school." He added. Maria gasped, widening her eyes. "Then you would've never met me!" She said, latching onto Finn. "Can't....... Breathe...." Finn said, gasping for air. "Oh, sorry." Maria said with a sheepish smile. Braden rolled his eyes and waited for them to get their trays, then they all went over to their usual table.

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