In The Dark | 5

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Braden hurriedly threw on his clothes, mentally scolding himself for sleeping in. He'd slept right through his alarm, and now he was going to be late to English. Colin had already left and hadn't bothered to wake Braden up. Braden quickly combed his hair and brushed his teeth, grabbing his bag off the floor.

He ran out of the dorm and down to the academic building, finally making it to his English class. "Late to class, Braden?" Ms. Biggson said sternly, glaring at Braden. "Sorry ma'am. I slept through my alarm." Braden said, running a hand through his blonde locks, messing them up. "I'll let you off with just a warning today. But you're going to help me grade tests tomorrow." She said, standing up and getting ready to start the lesson.

Braden sat down at his desk and pulled out his notebook, mindlessly doodling. After English was finally over it was time for Science. It was one of the only classes he had with Maria, so he was actually looking forward to this class. Braden hurried into the classroom and sat down next to Maria, giving her a smile.

Maria returned the smile, seemingly in a good mood. "What are you so happy about?" Braden asked, waggling his eyebrows at his friend. "Oh, you probably don't want the details." She said, shrugging it off. "Oh, please tell girl!" He said in an over excited white girl voice. "Me and Finn had sex last night!" Maria whisper yelled, expressing her excitement.

"Oh. Oh god. Oh no, I'm having some very inappropriate thoughts about my best friends." Braden said, closing his eyes and shaking his head in an attempt to get the pictures that were swarming his brain out of his head. "Fuck." Braden said aloud, frantically rubbing his eyes. "Braden!" Mr. Yang hissed, sending a hate filled glare Braden's way.

"Watch your mouth, unless you want another detention." He warned, writing today's lesson on the board. "Asshole." Braden cursed under his breath, slouching down in his seat. "Well stop cussing so much in class." Maria chuckled, glancing over at Braden. "Shut up." He huffed, rolling his eyes playfully.

The rest of their morning classes went by fairly quickly, and it was soon time for lunch. "Jesus Christ I'm starving." Finn said, a smile plastered on his face. "God, now that I know why you guys are so peppy I'm scarred for the rest of my damn life." Braden sighed, stepping into the lunch line with his friends.

They grabbed their lunch trays, which was chicken nuggets, and went to sit down at their table. "So how was your wild sex last night?" Braden asked casually, taking a sip of his soda. Finn choked on a piece of chicken and coughed it up on his tray, trying to catch his breath. "You told him!?" He yelled at Maria, causing a few heads to turn their way.

"We're best friends, he would've found out eventually!" She said with a shrug, popping a nugget into her mouth. Finn sighed, blushing a bright crimson. Braden chuckled and continued eating his lunch, chatting casually with his friends. They finished their food a few minutes later and dumped their trays, heading to their next classes.

Soon school was over and they were walking back to Braden's dorm. "I'm bored. We should do something." Maria said, stepping into Braden's dorm. "Yeah, we should. Any ideas?" Braden said, sitting down at his desk. "We could go to a party." Finn suggested, sitting on Braden's bed with Maria. "It's a school night." Braden said, shutting the idea down.

"Ooh! I've got an idea." Maria said, her eyes lighting up. "Spill the beans, girly!" Braden said, jumping out of his chair and squealing in fake excitement. Maria narrowed her eyes at him, glaring playfully. "Well, I was gonna tell you but now I won't." She said stubbornly, crossing her arms over her chest.

Braden sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes, plopping down next to Maria. "I'll buy you a new t-shirt.." Braden said, knowing Maria could be easily bribed. "Well in that case, we can break into the school's private pool." Maria said, jumping off Braden's bed. Braden chuckled and stood up, walking over to his closet.

"Okay. You guys go change and we'll meet back here in thirty." Braden said, grabbing a pair of swim trunks out of his closet. They nodded their heads and left, leaving Braden there to change. He quickly changed out of his uniform and pulled on his swim trunks, grabbing a pair of flip flops. He slipped on the flip flops and checked the time.

It was only 3:40, so he still had about twenty minutes to kill. He got on his phone, browsing around for a little while. Finally Maria and Finn came into the dorm, both of them changed into their swim suits. "Ready to go?" Braden asked, shoving his phone in the pocket of his trunks. "Yep." Maria said, nodding her head and leaving the dorm.

"They have towels down there, right?" Finn said, realizing they hadn't brought any towels with them. "Yeah, they keep them down there for swim team meetings." Maria said, grabbing a key out of her bag once they'd reached the indoor swimming pool. "Wait, I think it's unlocked." Braden said, pulling on the door handle. The door jerked open and Braden was met with the confused faces of the swim team.

But more importantly, Braden remembered that Colin was on the swim team. "Shit!" Braden hissed, quickly shutting the door and taking a step back. "What's wrong, B?" Maria asked, glancing in through the window on the door. "Oh shit." She said, noticing the entire swim team inside the building.

"Hey, what're are you kids doin' out there?" The swim coach, Mr. Fredrick, yelled. "RUN!" They all yelled in unison, taking off down the sidewalk. A couple of the swim team members ran after them, quickly catching up with them since they were so in shape. They finally made it to Braden's dorm and hurried inside, quickly shutting and locking the door.

"Well that backfired.." Maria sighed, catching her breath. Finn and Braden nodded, also trying to catch their breath. "Now what?" Finn said, sitting down on Braden's bed. "We can leave the dorm soon. The swim team still has practice so they'll have to go back." Maria said, plopping down on Finn's lap.

Braden sighed and ran a hand through his hair, messing it up. He knew Colin had seen him because the two had made awkward eye contact. "Colin probably thinks I'm a weirdo now.." Braden thought aloud, sighing to himself. "Oh no, you're already weird. You swear at your computer screen when we play Call Of Duty." Finn said, chuckling slightly.

"Yeah, you are rather odd." Maria said with a nod. "Wow, way to boost my self esteem guys." Braden said with sarcasm laced in his voice. "Hey, it's what we're here for pal." Finn said, standing up and patting him on the back. "So what should we do?" Maria asked. "Why don't we just stay here and watch a movie?" Braden suggested.

"Alright. That's sounds good." Maria said, stretching out on Braden's bed. Finn turned the lights off and the three friends sat on Braden's bed, deciding to watch some chick flick. They chatted while watching the movie, enjoying each other's company. Maria was laying with her head in Finn's lap and Braden was sprawled out on his stomach, all of them munching on some snacks Braden had found.

After the movie went off, the three friends stayed on Braden's bed and talked causally, not wanting to do anything else for the day. "This is nice. Just hanging out here." Braden said with a small smile. "Yeah. It is." Maria nodded in agreement. They stayed there for a while just talking and watched a couple more movies after that.

It eventually got late and the friends grew tired, and their eyelids got heavy. They'd completely skipped dinner, filling up on snacks and junk food. Now they were tired and filled up on candy and sweets. They all eventually dozed off, forgetting that they were still in their swim suits, and the fact that they were all still on Braden's bed, and drifted off to sleep.

So I didn't really know how to end this chapter tbh.. but here's the late update. I know it's short, but I'm gonna make my new chapters shorter so that I can get updates out faster. Thx for reading! Vote and comment? :D

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