In The Dark | 6

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It was finally Friday, the weekend so close Braden could almost taste it. He'd been getting in trouble for stupid stuff all week, including, sharpening his pencil, not writing the date on his paper, and waking up someone that was asleep. He was damn ready for the weekend to come already.

He was sitting in U.S History, waiting for the final bell to ring, anxiously shaking his leg. Finally the bell rang, and Braden jumped up from his seat, grabbing his bag off the floor. He charged out of the classroom and ran down the corridor, taking off towards the dorms. Once he was a safe distance from the academic building he pulled his phone out, sending a quick text to Finn telling him to meet him at his dorm.

Finn answered with a simple 'ok', and Braden went into his dorm. He sat down at his desk and turned on his computer, beginning to work on an essay for English. After about twenty minutes Finn finally came into the dorm, panting like he'd just ran a marathon. "What the hell have you been doing?" Braden asked, curiously eyeing his friend.

"I... was.. running........ from.." He stopped talking for a moment, taking in a big gulp of air. "A member of the swim team." He said, finishing his sentence. The swim team had been after all three of the friends ever since they figured out that they were going to break into their indoor pool.

Braden nodded his head at Finn, but realized that Maria wasn't with him. "Where's Maria?" Braden asked, curious where the other member of their trio was. "Oh, she's with Liam." Finn shrugged, sitting down on Braden's bed. "Annnnnd, you're not jealous? Like, at all?" Braden said, noticing this was unusual of Finn.

He was always protective over his girlfriends, including Maria. "Liam's gay, why would I be jealous?" Finn said, chuckling slightly. "Oh." Braden said, remembering that Liam said he thought Brendon Urie was hot. "Well what do you wanna do?" Braden asked, suddenly bored. Finn just shrugged his shoulders, also unsure of what to do.

They sat and talked for a while, and then both of their phones dinged. They looked at each other curiously and opened their phones, seeing a message from an unknown number. 'Party on the third floor' the text read. "Wanna go?" Braden asked, glancing up from the anonymous text. Finn shrugged and said, "Sure."

They both stood up and Braden walked over to his closet, letting Finn borrow some of his smaller clothes. Braden took off his button down shirt and dress pants, changing into some red skinny jeans and a band shirt. He slipped on his converse and the two took off towards the third floor.

"Wait, isn't CJ on the third floor?" Finn said as they walked. CJ was the biggest party thrower at Jadeville, known for his epic parties. "I think so." Braden said with a nod, continuing up the stairs to the third floor. The floor was vibrating from the music being so loud and the two friends could hear the loud rap music booming.

Braden was a little unsure about being at a party. He liked being at concerts because he got to see his favorite band live, so all the sweaty bodies around didn't bother him as much. But this was a high school party filled with rich kids. That meant beer, drugs, and anything else you coud think of. Braden reluctantly made his was to the room music was blasting from, room 309.

He opened the door and him and Finn walked inside, being engulfed into a huge crowd. Braden pushed his way through the crowd and got to the living room, where there was a little more space, but not much. These dorms were bigger since the kid's parents paid more money in tuition, so their dorm's had a living room, kitchen/dining room, and a bigger room with a bathroom connected.

Eventually Maria came into the living room, looking slightly drunk. "FINN!! YOU MADE IT!" She slurred over the music, running over towards her friend. "I'm Braden, not Finn." He said, although Maria could not hear him over the loud music playing. "WHAT'D YOU SAY, FINN?" She yelled, plopping down next to Braden.

"I said I-" Braden was cut off when Maria borught her lips to his, still mistaking him for Finn. Braden's eyes widened and he instantly pulled away. "Maria, I'm not Finn! I'm Braden!!" He yelled at her, but this just confused her. "Did you change your name?" She said, looking thoroughly confused.

He rolled his eyes at her and thumped her forehead. She wouldn't even remember this in the morning. Suddenly Braden smelled something delicious, causing his stomach to growl. "Pizza!" Someone yelled excitedly, running into the kitchen. Braden followed the person and walked into the kitchen, seeing about six boxes of pizza on the counter.

Braden opened one of the boxes and grabbed a slice, stuffing it in his mouth. After he finished his pizza he grabbed a red cup, walking over to the beer keg. He filled up the cup and downed the beer quickly, feeling the liquid burn down his throat. Braden refilled his cup and took a sip, glancing around the room.

Then he saw him. Colin. He was standing in a corner chatting with Toby, both of them drinking beers. Braden could feel some emotions threaten to spill out, but he quickly bottled them up and looked away from Colin. Colin glanced over at Braden and saw him standing alone, looking a mixture of sad and angry.

He wanted to go talk to him, but he was afraid Braden was mad at him for something. He tried to think back to what could've made Braden mad at him, then he remembered. He kissed Val at the concert. And Braden was at the concert. He'd probably seen the kiss. But why would that upset him?

'Does Braden like me?' He thought. "Colin!" Toby yelled, snapping his fingers in Colin's face. "Huh, what?" Colin said, turning his attention to Toby. "You zoned out, dude." Toby said, looking worriedly at his friend. "Are you alright?" Toby asked, concerned for Colin. "M' fine." Colin shrugged, sipping his beer.

But that was a lie. Colin wasn't fine. He couldn't get the thought of Braden possibly liking him back out of his head. It was possible. First of all, Braden was gay. Second, he stared at Colin when he was shirtless. Third, he got flustered around Colin sometimes. Although it didn't mean that Braden had a crush on him, it was a possibility.

Colin watched Braden walk out of the kitchen and back into the living room. "One sec." Colin said, holding up a finger at Toby and following after Braden. He spotted him sitting on a couch next to a drunken Maria, the two of them talking. Colin walked over to Braden and tapped on his shoulder, standing there awkwardly.

Braden turned around and looked at Colin, looking somewhat annoyed. "What?" He said, his voice sounding irritated. "Can I, uh, talk to you?" Colin said, not meeting Braden's eyes. Braden stood up and gestured for Colin to lead the way. Colin walked into the hallway with Braden following behind him.

They stopped in the hallway and Colin leaned against the wall. "Are you okay, Braden? You've seemed off lately." Colin said, trying not to give away the actual reason he was asking. "I'm fine." Braden said, turning to leave. Colin grabbed his shoulder and turned him back around, making Braden look at him.

"You're not fine. You're upset about something." Colin said, pushing the subject on Braden. "I said I'm fine! Why do you care so much anyways!?" Braden yelled. "Because I like you!" Colin blurted out before he could even think about what he was even saying. But it was too late. Now Braden knew that Colin liked him.


Hai there! Thanks for reading this. I know this chapter is short but they will be from now on. I'll try to update as often as I can, but with school starting back that may be hard. Anyway, thx for reading. Vote and comment pls! <3

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