Habit x reader (pt 20)

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Habit jolted up, and looked around. He ran out of his room and out the front door, he burst threw (Y/n)'s door.

" WHY ARE YOU HERE, YOU SHOULD BE AT MY HOUSE" Habit yelled making your child cry.

" Who's Even" you asked glaring at.

" WHY" Habit hissed slamming his hand on the table.

" Tell me or get out" you hissed while you calmed you child down.

" YOU USLESS CUNT" Habit hissed slapping you to the ground.

You let out a scream, you watched as everything went white.

" WHY DO YOU CARE, YOU ONLY A SLUT TO ME" He hissed kicking you in the face.

You screamed from the pain, which made him laugh.

" NO ONE WILL KNOW YOUR DEAD" he yelled as he raised his machete.

You watched as the blade came down, than black. You closed your eyes hoping you were alive, or just a dream.

" Your safe now" a familiar voice said.

" O-observer" you asked out.

" Yes" he said appearing in front of you.

" Where am I" you asked scared.

" My place, he can't get us" he said while giggling.


Habit p.o.v


I slammed the blade down ready to kill her, since she was only a pond to me. Though black substance appeared from the floor boards and it took her away, she was safe and alive. Now I can't use her, he has her and it will stay like that.

" YOU CAN KEEP HER OBSEVER, SHE MEANS NOTHING SO DO AS YOU PLEASE" I yelled before I laughed at his attempt to save something. 

I walked out of her house, and headed to my useful rabbit.


normal p.o.v


The day had past, and he finally got the news. He turned to (Y/n), who was feeding her child.

" Habit gone, they got Even's body back. You don't have to fear about him, since you'll be with me and the fact he's gone" Observer said happily.

You smiled, turning back to your kids.

" Thank you" you said looking back at him.

" Only for you" he said sitting next to you.



Book 2: 

Little Pet (Habit x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now