Habit x reader (pt6)

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Hours past since Habit's cat had a bitch fit, which meant the he forgot to wake you to feed your baby.


Cries filled the house, waking habit and his cats. He jolted up and looked around confused, his eyes spotted you and he paled knowing he had to get your baby to shut up before you woke up and bitched at him. He rolled off the bed landing on his small knife, that he kept forgetting to pick up. He let out a small hiss, but stayed as quiet as he could. He got up and walked out of him room, he walked to the spare room and saw the little shit crying. He sighed and picked the child up, He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a baby bottle he use for his cats when they wouldn't eat. He placed the baby on the ground, he placed the bottle on the table and walked  to the fridge. He grabbed the big jug of milk and walked to the counter, he placed it on the wooden surface before looking for two pots. He smiled when he found them, he pulled them out. He turned on the stove, so it would be warm when he got the big pot filled with water. He got to the sink and filled the big pot with water, he stopped the cold water as it filled the bottom of the pot. He placed the pot on the stove, where the burner sat. He grabbed the milk and poured it in the small pot, he put the cap on the milk. He grabbed the small pot and put it in the big pot, so the milk would be warm for the baby. He grabbed the milk and walked back to the fridge, he opened it and shoved it in there. He grabbed the baby, knowing it would take awhile for it to warm up. He felt all happiness drain from him, realizing the little shit had shit himself.

" Fuck my life" he said walking out the door to grab dippers.


You woke you to silence, you rolled over to see if Habit was next to you. He wasn't, you wondered if he was taking care of your kid. You lied down hoping he was, you closed your eyes when a though came in you head.

 ' He's short tempered and he ate a baby'

You jolted up and got off the bed, you stopped when you heard laughter from the other side. It wasn't crazy or anything, it sounded like someone was happy. You went to grab your clothes but the door opened, you froze and stared at habit. He walked to you and handed you the baby, he turned around and walked out the door. He stopped before leaving your sight, he turned to you with an annoyed face.

" YOU FUCKING OWE ME (Y/N), YOU HEAR ME" he hissed before leaving your sight.

You felt your body shake in fear, knowing he was pissed. You put the baby down and got changed, you sighed since you had no underwear or bra. You grab the small baby and walk out, you went and sat on the couch as habit took a shower.

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