Habit x reader (pt7)

558 15 3

My family has given me a few choices, 1: stay home and talked to people, possibly get locked up in a hospital. 2: go to the hospital and get locked up for 28 days. 3: leave and never come back to their house and never talked to the again. So if I haven't update in a while theses are the reasons.


You sat on the couch waiting for habit to come out, since you'd been waiting for an hour now. You wondered if he was stressed out or something, since he was unhappy to see you. Than again he's always looks unhappy, since he had to deal with you and your child.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the bathroom door opening, you looked up to see him only in a towel. You cursed inside your head, when you felt your face go red. You looked away so he wouldn't notice, though that failed since he saw you look away. A smile grew on his face, he stopped him self from doing something stupid and walked to his room.

" OH YEA, (Y/N) I HAVE A JOB FOR YOU" he said from his room.

" Ok, what is it" you asked looking at the door.

The house was filled in dead silence, till a loud crash came from the physio's room. you jumped when you heard swearing fill the house, you child began to cry from the noise. Habit walked out of the room holding a small knife, this made you hold your child close to you. He threw the knife at the wall, it hit the wall next to his chair. You sat there shocked, seeing the knife was stuck in the wall.

" SO YOUR JOB IS TO SPY ON YOUR RABBIT LEADER, TELL ME EVERYTHING HE DOES" he said jumping next to you on the couch.

You nodded standing up, you went to leave but a hand stopped you.


You nodded and walked out the door and to you leader's place.

Little Pet (Habit x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu