Chapter 54

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I hum to myself as I walk through the streets, Loki and Rune by my side. It's been decided that until Rune is older, she's not quite ready to be out with me without anyone else. They're still going by the idea that I need someone to protect me if I leave the tower. At this point I don't mind too much since I don't know my way around anyway... not that I believe Loki does, either, to be perfectly honest.

I watch our surroundings carefully. It's surprisingly quiet right now, something I like. I read the thoughts of others as we walk. It's actually quite educational for me since I get to hear modern terms and see what people mean by it. It's helping me to work things out faster.

Loki also seems to be improving a little, though he prefers to keep to his own words unless making an attempt to blend in or be better understood by strangers when necessary to speak with them. I suppose it could be an Asgardian thing, the formal speaking. Everyone on Asgard seems to speak in that manner.

We walk back inside the tower and Rune runs off, though when Thor comes into view she swiftly makes a beeline for him. She's quickly learned that Thor will always be happy to pet her. He loves Rune.

"Rune! Brother! Lady Lexis!" He smiles. "Enjoy your walk?" "Yes, quite," Loki nods, not nearly as energetic as his brother, but I can tell that he meant what he said. "Where are you going so late, Thor?" I ask the god, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Stark set me on patrol," Thor replied, stooping down to pet a very happy Rune. "I'm to go over the city and make sure everything is alright after the last Attuma incident."

"Good," Loki nods approvingly. "It is growing tiring, watching the lady." "And it is growing tiring to have to bear your unrelenting complaints," I retort quickly. We've gotten into the habit of jokingly insulting each other.

Thor nods and pets Rune one last time before heading out, spinning his hammer so effortlessly that it propels him into the air. Asgardian strength must be wonderful.

Almost instantly he's thrown back through the door, his hammer dropping from his hand with a metallic clatter.

I gasp and check outside to figure out what happened while Loki checks on his brother, who's luckily just winded. I pause at the scene before me.

Atlantians were all getting into formation around the tower, spears at the ready. When they see me, they raise their weapons, aiming them at me. I look back to the boys, both of which are now up.

"The tower is surrounded," I tell them. "It will not be easy to get rid of them. There are many." "I will get the others," Loki says, walking out swiftly.

Thor and I head to the door again, sizing up our uninvited guests. Several Atlantians, too many to count. I'll bet there's more all around the tower, too. They haven't made things easy for us, that's for sure. The only way they could've gotten set up this fast is if they'd been waiting for us and all moved in at once. They seem to want us all crammed in together.

This can't be good.

"Give us the girl!" One Atlantian gargles, eyes locked on me. "So much as touch the lady and you shall suffer!" Thor snaps, hammer raised threateningly. "Mjolnir never misses!"

Several menacing hisses fill the air, but a snap of fingers silenced them instantly. The crowds part to Attuma, who strides forward purposefully. Our eyes meet. Even someone with no context whatsoever would realise that I'm the one he's after.

I take my barb from my chest and elongate the shiny weapon, letting it glint dangerously in the light. "It is about time we met face to face," I say, an edge to my otherwise calm voice.

"Indeed it is," he nods. "I have been waiting for my chance to speak with you ever since I discovered the Stone Siren race was still among us."

"And this day has haunted my nightmares," I snarl, but it only made him chuckle in amusement. "So lovely to know that you dream of me."

Scowling, Thor throws his hammer at Attuma, knocking him to the ground.

Before the hammer can even return to Thor's hand, Atlantians swarm us. Some throw their spears, some charge in an attempt to plunge the weapons through our very beings. But none hold back, defending their struck leader.

The moment Thor's hammer returns to the god's hand, he starts whirling it around, slamming into any Atlantians that get too close for comfort. "Fancy a ride, my lady?" He asks me. "Anything to keep away from these disgusting creatures," I agree, coming to his side and wrapping an arm tightly around his waist.

Thor responds by doing the same to me me with his free arm, then we both fly upwards thanks to Thor's hammer. We keep a firm grip on one another so that I don't fall, then he sets me down on the balcony outside the penthouse before flying off to join the fight once again.

I close my eyes, humming quietly to myself. Once I've got my rhythm, I keep it in my head, letting the melody play on. I open a link to as many of the Atlantians as I can, then watch as they freeze, hypnotised by the song. Unfortunately, I could only affect a small amount compared to the vast legion of Atlantians, but it's still a start.

The hypnotised Atlantians follow my command and start fighting for our side, helping Thor out. Whenever one of the 'traitors' fall, I simply open a link with another. It's actually quite helpful and by the time the rest of the Avengers make it out here we've done some decent work.

I'm about to get back in there to be of more use when I'm suddenly confronted.

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