He choked on his drink.

"Shouldn't she be told this information?"

"No, I think it would be better if she didn't. I will promise you that I will pick a good and kind man for her I would not like to see her unhappy."

Nic's mind was made up. He would take her away for a few days. He would marry her before he would let his mother and her father just marry her off to someone she doesn't even know.

"I have a business trip to buy a couple of horses for the Circus. I will be gone for a few days. I will leave right after the ball tonight."

She said nothing, and he led her out to their carriage. When they arrived at the ball he noticed Eddie was standing over with the Marquis of Dewberry. A sudden surg of jealousy coursed through him. The look did not go unnoticed by his mother, she had the answer she wanted. Nic went straight to Eden's side. He grabbed her elbow and excused them from the group she was surrounded by.

"We will be leaving after the ball, if you still would like to go?"

The smile on her face and the glow that seemed to emanate from her was all the answer he needed. Before he could say more the first sounds of the waltz played. He smiled at her and whisked her out on to the dance floor. He had made up his mind she was going to be his, and he wasn't going to let her go.

"I want to thank you for my best day ever. I can't believe all the fun I had today. I am so very glad you invited me. Besides I was very glad I was not home apparently Lizzy had a three hours tantrum because we were together."

"She will just have to get used to it."

He saw the puzzled look on her face, but he chose not to give her the puzzle pieces for her to figure it out. After the dance they went over to his mother and Lizzy. Nikki saw Lizzy was waiting to pounce on him. It was written all over her face, and he was not going to give her the satisfaction of playing into her hand. Just before he and Eden made it to his mother he pulled her to him and whispered in her ear.

"Meet me in front of the house at midnight if you don't have second thoughts. We will leave from here. I will let my mother know she should take your carriage home tonight."

The smile that played across her lips told him everything she was not going to back out on this trip. He had to wonder if she even realized she was sealing her fate, but it was better she was sealed to him than a stranger. Eden approached the Dowager Duchess and Lizzy holding her breath as she did. Lizzy was on her before she could take her place at the Dowager Duchess side.

"You have monopolized Nikki all day."

"Have I, I suppose you're are correct we did have a lovely day."

The Dowager Duchess looked over at her brow piquet. Eden didn't have a choice but to tell her of the splendid day the two of them had. After all, didn't she tell her to fight for him.

"Nikki and I went to the Circus and had the most wonderful day."

Lizzy screeched for everyone to hear.

"You didn't have a chaperone?"

"Just the whole city we took his new Phaeton, so we had no stolen moments if that is what had you throwing a three hour temper tantrum today."

The tantrum is what the Dowager Duchess seemed to be more interested in that fact than Eden and Nikki were alone all day.

"What did you say Lizzy was up to."

Lizzy paled, she hadn't thought about the consequences when she threw the blasted tantrum.

"My staff informed me she had a three-hour fit that Nikki and I went off and didn't take her with us. He had only brought a two-seat carriage and so we left her behind. Nothing to have a fit about since he had not invited her anyway she had tried to invite herself into the outing."

Lizzy knew the Dowager Duchess had enough of her and her shenanigans, but she didn't think the woman would do anything to ruin her chances at a good match. She waited to see what would happen.

The Dowager Duchess didn't address Lizzy she spoke to Eden.

"Find Nicholas and tell him Lizzy and I have gone home she will be staying with me. You go home with him. Do you understand me?"

"Are you sure your grace?"

"I am insisting."

"Yes, your Grace I will let Nikki know."

Eden wandered around the manor looking for Nikki, when she found him he was playing cards. He was surprised to see her he looked at his watch to see if he had been late for their meet up.

"Your mother sent me, she has taken Lizzy to your home and she told me to tell you to take me home."

He threw his cards on the table took one last drink.

"Well gentlemen I will be off I have a beautiful young lady to escort home."

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