Chapter 6 - Another Day At The Office

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Chapter 6

(Hiccup's POV)

I was surrounded by peace. Soft, moist, fluffy clouds swirled around Toothless and I. It was was just us, completely oblivious to the world with all it's problems below.

"You want to try this again bud?" I asked, patting my dragon on the head. Toothless grumbled. "Toothless, it'll be fine!"

He rolled his eyes. "Ready?" Toothless grumbled again. And then suddenly, I fell off Toothless' back, plummeting headfirst towards the distant expanse of blue sea below.

"Whoo! Yeah BABY!!" I yelled to the wind, the mask I had made protecting my face from the wind. Toothless plummeted next to me, his tongue hanging out and him giving me a goofy smile.

I finally saw the sea in all it's blue beauty through the clouds.

"Toothless! Time's up!" I called. Immediately the Night Fury twisted and levelled out below me. With a thud, I landed in the saddle, Toothless and I gliding above the water. I eyed Toothless' wings.

"I need to make myself a pair of wings I think bud."

Toothless grumbled as if saying I don't think that's such a good idea.

"Oh come on bud! If we ever get seperated in the air I need a way of getting down to the ground without falling and killing myself."

Toothless warbled. Looks like he had changed his mind.

I smiled. When it came to my safety, Toothless would always worry. My dragon would never change.

I looked around at the scenery of the Archipelago. Off to my left, small islands in the distance lined the horizon, while to my right, a cloud bank blocked any sight of anything else. My previous good mood was gone. I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach. For some reason I was nervous. Toothless was too - I could feel it.

"Come on bud, let's get outta here."

Toothless flew left immediately. He didn't want to be there as much as I did.

As we flew, I realised we had flown pretty close to Berk. It was there, temptingly on the horizon. I turned away.

I can't go back! But...

"I wonder if Berk's changed in the year and seven months I've been away."

I didn't realise I'd spoken aloud until Toothless shook his head and straightened his flight away from Berk.

"Oh come on bud! You have to let me at least see if my father's still alive!" Toothless wavered. I played my triumph card. "Berk has the best salmon fishing spot in the Archipelago and I wasn't planning on stopping for food on the way back to the Edge. If we went there you could have some of that delicious salmon!"

Toothless immediately wheeled around and flew straight for Berk.


We approached from the far side of the island, where no-one could see us. Bounding through the forest, we finally made it to a cliff where we could over-see the village.

The first thing I noticed was the smoke, fire, dragons and my father about to bring an axe down on a Monstrous Nightmare's neck.


(Stoick's POV - an hour before)

It was lunch time and Gobber, Spitelout, Gothi, Sven, Mulch, Bucket, Astrid and I were holding the monthly council. Apart from the ever present threat of dragons we needed to discuss, there was the ever present annoyance of Mildew.

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