Chapter 2 - Freedom and Grief

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Chapter 2

(Hiccup's POV)

I still hadn't got used to the sensation of flying. It was ... unbelievable. Amazing. Crazy! I was the first viking, the first, to ride and train a dragon. I just realised that. Wow!

Toothless and I were still flying east. I had heard that the Dragon's Nest was north-west and I wanted to avoid it at the moment. Besides, Toothless didn't seem to want to go that way and I didn't actually know where it was! Besides, I felt like I needed to be alone with Toothless at the moment. I had just lost everything apart from him and a few of my belongings.

I sighed. Life could be so... frustrating. Toothless grunted quietly at me. I patted him to tell him I was alright. Toothless whacked me his ear. He knew me well enough to know I was lying and that I was not alright at all. I sighed again.

"Look bud, I just need to get over my decision to leave. Though no-one will miss me, it was still hard." Toothless warbled as if agreeing with me. I forgot. He was the most solitary dragon in the Archipelago. For all I knew, he could be the last of his species.

Suddenly a flash of lightning interrupted my train of thought. Without realising it, Toothless and I had flown straight for a massive storm! It was too late to turn around and fly back - the storm was moving too fast, even for a Night Fury - so I told Toothless to go straight through to the other side. Even though he looked at me like I was crazy, he saw my logic and flew with determination into the storm. Almost immediately, rain and sleet hit us, making me shiver. I could hardly see Toothless against the dark sea, but I sensed him flinch as another bolt of lighting crashed to Earth.

It went that way for almost an hour. Thunder rumbled, lightning zapped, Toothless dodged. Finally the rain stopped and the storm stopped while Toothless and I kept on flying through the dark clouds. Suddenly there was a flash of blue and before I knew it, Toothless and I were flying through the endless blue sky, a definite change to what we had for the last hour.

I smiled. "We made it bud!" I cried, giving Toothless a scratch on top of his black head. He spun around in reply, showing that he was also happy after the storm.

I looked around. We were surrounded by ocean with a few islands popping up here and there. I realised I had never seen this place before.

And then I realised. We had flown outside the Archipelago.

Toothless must of realised it too because he looked around with new interest.

I directed Toothless down towards an island. It was smaller then Berk and seemed like a perfect place to stay. Toothless landed beside a lake, waiting until I got off before throwing himself down to the water's edge to drink. I grinned, unstrapped the saddle, basket and gear off Toothless before joining him, cupping my hands, filling them with water and bringing them to my mouth to drink. I hadn't realised how parched I was.

Suddenly I pitched head-first into the water, getting drenched yet again. Spluttering, I came up for air and saw Toothless grinning at me. That sneaky dragon! He pushed me into the lake!

I scrambled out and came up behind my dragon. He just watched me with an amused expression as I ran at him.

"Come on Toothless! Your turn!" I slammed into him. Toothless didn't move at all. I got up from where I fell over and tried again. "Come on Toothless! You can't expect to drench me without getting wet yourself!" I pushed against him again.

Suddenly Toothless leapt into the water, pulling me with him and landing with a massive splash.

"Argh! Toothless! You useless reptile!" I gasped as I swam to the surface. My reply was a wave of water that Toothless had flicked at me with his tail. I swam over to Toothless and clambered onto his back. "Come on. We've had our fun, lets get out now. By the time my clothes have dried out it will be dark, so we may as well make camp."

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