Chapter 3 - Dreams and Getting Edgy

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Chapter 3

(Astrid's POV)

Hiccup was looking at me, his face startled and - for some reason unknown to me - scared.

"I want answers." I growled.

"Um, what do you mean?"

"No one just gets as good as you have. Especially you. Start talking. Are you training with someone? It better not involve this." I grabbed his weird leather strapping. What was it for?

"Uh, this looks really bad, but..." For some reason Hiccup trailed off what he was saying, looked behind me and closed his eyes. I frowned. "I'm sorry Astrid."

Huh? What for?

"Do it bud." Hiccup said.

I heard a soft whisper of something flying through the air quickly behind me and I turned, only to see black scales and brown canvas whack me on the head.

Then darkness.

Then a faint light.

Then Hiccup climbing onto a Night Fury, - with leather, metal and a false tail fin? - looking at me, then flying off into the sky, the Night Fury letting out a massive roar. Pain filled my head, my vision swam and all was black again.

I woke up in a cold sweat. It was that same dream again. The crazy one where Hiccup isn't dead and climbs on the Night Fury. The other version of the dream is a nightmare. But in that version, I see Hiccup dead next to me and Stoick banishes me from Berk because I couldn't save his only son.

Argh! Astrid, get a hold of yourself! It's been nine months since Hiccup died! You have to forget him!

But I knew in my heart that I could never forget him.


(Hiccup's POV)

Toothless and I were flying high up in the sky, out of arrow range. My hair flew around me, but I didn't notice. My right arm hung painfully by my side, injured and sore. Toothless flew faster and faster, wanting to escape from Dagur and the Dragon Hunters as much as I did.

Recently I had had a few run-in's with Dagur the Deranged, Chief of the Berserkers and Viggo and Ryker Grimborn. They were three of my worst enemies, always out to catch me and my dragon.

Dagur had captured me yesterday when Toothless crashed on an island after his wing was hit with one of Dagur's arrows. I hid him in a cave so he could recover - Night Furies heal very quickly, a small arrow wound taking only a day to heal - and went out to see if Dagur was looking for us. Sure enough he was, and I was stupid enough to be seen, then shackled and led to the Dragon Hunter leaders in Dagur's cabin on the boat.

After Dagur, Viggo and Ryker had gloated over my capture, they started trying to get Toothless' location out of me. Slapping me, kicking me, punching me, I never said a word. Thrown into a dark, cold cell, still tied up, I tried to escape my bindings. No such luck, as my only achievement was a dislocated right shoulder.

In the morning, the guards brought me to see the Dragon Hunter leaders. Tying me to a chair, they continued their "ways of making me talk". I still said nothing. Toothless was my best friend - my only friend, to be honest - and I would never betray him.

It went this way for an hour - Viggo, Dagur or Ryker making a threat, then either following it up with a small knife cut when I didn't answer. Soon enough I was covered in many stinging cuts and bruises. Suddenly the boat rocked, and an uninjured and healed Toothless shot up from the bottom the the boat! Seeing me tied up, he blasted the ropes holding me and I climbed on him with difficulty, because of my arm. Viggo, Ryker and Dagur were too shocked to do anything.

Letting out a massive roar at the three men, Toothless dived down through the bottom of the sinking boat. I held on tight as Toothless swam with the current, holding my breath until I couldn't anymore. Patting Toothless on his head, I put my feet into the stirrups of Toothless' gear, opened his false tail and together, we shot into the sky, out of the range of the arrows.

Sure I was cold, injured and wet, but I was free, out of the grasp of Dagur and the Dragon Hunters.

Toothless had insisted I went to a nearby healer on an island close by for my dislocated shoulder. I had protested that I would be fine, but the Night Fury had gotten his way, so we went to an island that happened to be nearby. It was topped with a smouldering volcano, but there was a village at the base, so I landed, hid Toothless, and walked quietly in.

The first person I met was a lady in black leather, covered in it from head to toe, only brown eyes showing. I asked her where I could find the village's healer, and although she gave me a funny look, like why was I there?, she led me to the medical hut. While we were walking there, we passed a massive statue of a dragon that I recognised as a Boulder Class dragon. When I asked her what dragon it was, she said that it was their Protector.

We soon reached the medical hut, the healer ushering me in, taking note of my cuts, bruises and dislocated shoulder. Soon enough I had ointment on my bruises and cuts, and my shoulder popped back in (that was painful). I ran back to Toothless, mounting him and flying off, giving another look at the statue of the Protector before the island disappeared. Hmm, maybe if they were friends with dragons, then maybe I could ally with them. And allies against Dagur the Deranged, Viggo and Ryker Grimborn plus all the Dragon Hunters would be great.

A grumble from my dragon knocked me out of my daydream and I looked up. We were at our island now. Our home.

Dragon's Edge.

Wow. That was a rubbish chapter. Sorry, my sister is reading this as I write it so I gotta keep it mild, so, really bad torture scenes! I would make them better (well, worse for Hiccup) but I have to think of my sister. Sorry.

And, can I just say, Hiccup & Toothless' Fate has had 100+ reads!! I am freaking out right now! So thank you so much everyone!

- astroskypilot out -

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