Chapter 12 - Meeting Our Host

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I never remembered having this much food. I probably did, a few months ago, but it has been so long that I've forgotten. Crispy vegetables, salted fish, perfectly cooked pork and steak with fresh milk to start, then juicy berries, cream, and honey to top it all off. Yeah, Ormr knew how to cook.

Ormr had presented this feast at the table inside the large wooden house that he'd built into the rock. It wasn't the only one. Another smaller hut poked out from between some trees, with a large platform at the side leading to a large cave that headed inside the island. Ormr had explained that that was the dragon's entrance, and never to go in there.

Inside the main building, the table ringed a smoldering fire, not unlike back home. A high ceiling allowed for dragon flight, and huge doors were positioned above the entrances to protect the base against storms. When I questioned whether he'd had help to build this whole base, he'd just shrugged and gestured at his dragons. "The island already had caves everywhere. They hold it steady and do the heavy lifting. I just nail it together."

Snotlout leant back in his seat, patting his stomach contentedly. "Delicious! Oh, food is so good. Can we have this every day?"

"I must agree, fine sir," Tuffnut piped up, putting on the airs and graces of a king. "This is truly splendid. I request a second serving, merci."

Ormr's head tilted. "What does that even mean?"

Tuffnut sniffed obnoxiously and tossed a scrap of food to his chicken. "Eh, no idea. Picked it up from a trader."

"Y'know, if you were poisoning us, this is definitely the way to go," Ruffnut thought aloud. "Like, I dunno about you guys, but this is really yummy."

I finished my steak and smacked my lips. "I have to agree. Where'd you learn?"

Ormr shrugged. "I have a friend who occasionally drops in. She taught me, but I have no idea where she learnt herself. I mean, it's certainly better than what Toothless serves up!" He chuckled and tossed some leftover food to his Night Fury, who quickly snapped it up. I flinched at the sight of those flashing teeth.

"Dude, why did you call him 'Toothless'? He's definitely not," Tuffnut asked.

"His teeth retract into his gums." He gestured, and sure enough, the dragon's teeth disappeared. Woah. The amount of fine muscle control Toothless had was unparalleled to anything I had ever seen.

With a jolt, I remembered something from back at the forest clearing. "Hey Ormr..." I trailed off when his mask turned towards me. It was pretty intimidating. I swallowed and continued. "Uh, wh-when you were curing Astrid with your concoction – can I study that later, by the way? - you mentioned her name. You knew her already. How?"

Ormr flinched. Or at least, he seemed to. Couldn't really tell with that mask. "I-I did? Uh, well, I've been watching you guys! Since you came to the island! Um, and I heard someone mention her name. Besides, who's gonna forget a name like 'Astrid'? With all the names that us Vikings give ourselves, it's good to hear a nicer name."

"But you're not a Viking, are you?"

I froze. Oh no, no no, Snotlout, don't. I carefully glance at Ormr. He'd stiffened, his body language giving nothing away, mask impassive. The twins had both their mouths hanging open in shock.

Snotlout just shrugged. "What? We were all thinking it." He turned to Ormr. "You're the Dragon Chief, right? You control all the dragons, and they do what you tell them to do. We've seen it ourselves! You attack Berk, our home where we live, on almost a daily basis. Hundreds of Vikings have died, and for what? You may look like a Viking, but you're more beast than anything!" He shrugged again. "Or at least that's what my dad says."

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