32. Chapter - Father and Son

Start from the beginning

"You need to talk it out with the both of them. I understand." His eyes were shining with so many emotions it hurt, but this was the best option. I really needed to have an honest discussion with them. I might had imagined it being different, calmer and less abrupt, but not everything in life went the way we wanted to.

"Thank you. I'm sorry you have to be in the middle of this mess. I didn't expect it would happen so soon, if ever." I hugged him with all my might, hoping the nightmare would end as soon as possible.

All I wanted in the morning was for Josh to finally get home so we could spend time with each other. Looking at the situation now, I couldn't even believe something could go so wrong.

Letting go, he grinned down at me, caressing my cheek.

"Nah. You're worth it, so there's nothing to worry about." He smiled and went to say goodbye to Matty, my eyes following his broad back getting farther and farther away with each step.

It was hard, seeing him leave. But it was for the best with everything that was happening. Matty was here, and with Josh and Victor around, it could turn into something ugly.

Turning, I went straight for the table, looking at Alison with hard eyes. I didn't expect it to go so easily, but it was as if she could read my mind. She hopped up, smiling widely, and squeezed Vic's arm.

"I'll leave you to it. You have a lot to talk about, and with the angry boyfriend gone and this cute little angle here, I'm not needed anymore." Taking her purse, she looked at me with an expression I didn't understand, and left, leaving me alone with the two guys who looked more confused than me.

"Matty, sit down, Mel will bring you the ice cream in a minute." I smiled at him, waiting until he did just that, and taking one of the chairs for myself.

Victor was still staring at Matthias with eyes full of wonder and uncertainty, and I suddenly felt like the biggest asshole under the sun.

As much as I hated Victor, and as much as I thought he wouldn't be a good role model, he had a right to know he had a child. They both had a right to know there was someone related to them, and the guilt absorbing me from inside was starting to be too much to deal with. The speed of my opinion and sense of right and wrong changing was unbelievable. All it took was one look at Matt and Vic together, and I felt like a villain.

"One special ice cream from the loveliest person in the world!" Melanie's voice disturbed all of my thoughts, my eyes turning towards Kyle who was right behind her. He was standing there like a watchdog, his stance clearly stating his intentions. I could feel the hatred radiating from him, and that was something I didn't need at the moment.

"Kyle, I know this is too much to ask, but I need your help in the shop. Could you please help Mel and Charlie? You know how the register works, and I'm not sure how much time is this conversation going to take," I asked, hoping he would take the bait. He was the best brother in the world when it came to helping, and I was counting on it. I hated myself for using him this way and taking his caring attitude for granted, but I really needed to talk to Victor and Matthias alone. This was the only way to make him leave us alone.

And the guys could use some help too. I was sure he shouldn't have any problem with taking the money and giving the customers their receipts. It wasn't his first time here, after all.

When we first started, everything was too confusing and rush for us to manage, so Kyle came in on his days off to help around. It had been a long time since the last time, but things like this were hard to forget.

"Are you sure you don't need me to stay? I don't like this little gathering you have here." His eyes went straight towards Victor. He was staring him down so hard I thought his eyes would fall down for a second.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now