Chapter 2: Kings and a chef

Start from the beginning

"No, not at all. Please, make yourself comfort-AAAHH!" Komatsu was moving over to make some room for their new friend only to freak out in the middle of his sentence as Sarafina stood up and walked over to them. This lady was a giant! Though not as tall as Toriko, but she's pretty dang close! She's got to be over 190cm tall! As she was settling herself next to Komatsu, the two men took notice that she was holding a white cane with a brown handle and that she was barefoot.

"I really must thank you for allowing me to sit with you both. It's been awhile since I've met other hunters who are as enjoyable." Sarafina said. "Huh? Does that mean you're a Gourmet Hunter too?" Toriko said as he looked her over. All she had on her was a small, black field satchel, a white scabbard, which is tied around her waist, and of course that cane. "You don't seemed to be that well-equipped."

Sarafina giggled. "Yes, I am. And these are the only tools I'll be needing when I'm out." She said with confidence. Toriko looked at her with slight skepticism before shrugging his shoulders. Whatever, he thought. Who was he to judge. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. Name's Toriko." He said as he offered his hand to her. Toriko was an extremely muscular and exceptionally tall man with somewhat messy blue neck-length hair. He has three scars running from his left ear to just under his left eye. He has strong, angular facial features and somewhat catlike eyes. He wore a tight muscle orange spandex jumpsuit consisting of tight spandex orange cargo pants with pockets on the legs, dark blue knee-high boots, a black belt, a thin tight muscle black t-shirt with a tight muscle orange sleeveless vest both tucked in. "The pleasure's all mine. My name's Sarafina." Sarafina said as she shook his hand.

"Hello Sarafina-san, I'm Komatsu." The chef said as he shook her hand as well. Komatsu was a short, thin, and light-skinned young man with short black hair, large black eyes, and has a rather wide nose with large nostrils. He wore a purple and white shirt, tan pants, and plain shoes. "Hahaha, it's very nice to meet you both."

"Why aren't there any good liquors on this train?! Huh?! This freaking piece of junk!" A man yelled out. Geez, did his voice grate on the ears. Sarafina almost cringed at the sound of it. The man just so happened to glance over to their table and saw the cases of alcohol that Toriko had got from the bar earlier. "Hey, hey." He stormed over. "I was thinking that the quality of liquor here was too bad, but it was you who bought it all?! You shitty bastard!" The man growled at Toriko. "Hmm?" Was all he said, in which pissed the guy even more. "Do you know who I am? I'm Gourmet Hunter, Zonge!" The man, Zonge, was a large and muscular man with an intimidating appearance. He has a large mustache that connects to his sideburns and a large scar over his right eye, while his long hair flows over his shoulders and is parted in the middle. He wears a simple outfit apparently made out of fur, which gives him a somewhat caveman-like appearance. Zongeh also carries a large ax on his back and wears a headband and skull necklace.

"Lemme show you my full course menu!" He whipped out a list and began recite them in order. To be honest, Sarafina was highly disappointed in his menu. From what she was hearing, these ingredients are some of the lowest level of capture, that even a normal person can go ahead and get them. But what can you expect from an arrogant sounding man? "My main dish is that Galala Croc! I killed it a while ago! Hahaha, surprised aren't you?" He sounded so proud, but Sarafina shook her head. She heard him mumbled, 'Even though it was still a newborn' under his breath. Oh come on, it wasn't even a challenge if that's the case.

"Zonge-sama, please don't pick on the likes of him." One of his groupies told him, he sounded like he didn't want any trouble. Getting picked on? Well, Toriko wouldn't call this 'getting picked on'. To be really picked on, he would have to be surrounded by seven of the toughest beasts. Just as Toriko was about to stand up, Sarafina said, "As much as I want to believe that you have potential, you have no excuse for this arrogant behavior. Toriko had paid for his drinks fairly. If you wish to have some for yourself than you're going to have to ask for it politely instead of acting like a moronic novice."

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