My door suddenly burst open with none other than THOMAS?! Why is he here? Does he know I'm after Alexander? Is he here to kick my ass and........oh wait it's just Laf and Herc. Phew

"John! Mon ami! Alex broke up with the shit person" I just looked at Laf

"What's new?" I flopped down on my bed, my face on the matress trying to subtly kill myself lol I failed

"This time he won't be coming back to him" I looked at Laf and sure enough a menacing smirk is plastered on his face. "How?" I asked half expecting. Before Laf even started speaking my door was kicked open again by three loud girls I don't remember inviting but then again I also didn't invite laf and herc.


They stopped replying after my last chat. I guess they grew tired of my bullshit can't blame them tho. God I wish it was easy to forget falling inlove. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote it down and read it out hopin it would save me but it didn't do much he just makes me feel like nobody else. I was so deep in my own thought that I didn't notice the squad is infront of me but where is Laurens? I need him. I need John he is always the one to calm me down at this times did he get tired of me? Oh John I hope I wouldn't have to lose you too. I grew sad at the thought

"Spill" Laf told me with his arms crossed and damn this feels more like an interogation than a moral support. I started talking, a bit afraid that Laf would slap me. I told them everything that happened starting with how Thomas had cheated on me again with Madison and how he kept denying it when they were literally kissing there in front of me.

"So did you even learn anything Hamilton?" Asked Angelica who seems about ready to choke a southern republican.

"I....He doesn't love me I guess" I looked down ashamed that I only realized that now. They all looked sympathetically towards me until my phone beeped. I looked at it and it was Thomas I looked at them and they all shook their head in disagreement. I looked at the phone again tempted to answer it and ran back in Thomas' arms but Angie grabbed my hand and made me stand up.

"If you really want to get over him listen to us! This is your new rules Hamilton so you don't keep breaking your stupid heart. One don't pick up the phone you know he's only calling cause he's drunk and alone"

"But angie--" I was cut off by a knock on the door

"Alexander it's me Thomas open the door please! Let's talk baby" I instictively stepped closer to the door but Eliza stood infront of me "Two don't let him in you have to kick him out again"

"Eliza please he just wants to talk maybe we'll settle this and just be friends" I told her hopeful that she would get me but I felt someone grab my arm and dragged me to the sofa "Three don't be his friend you know you'll only wake up in his bed in the morning" I looked at peggy and blushed with what she said and as I tried to avoid her gaze I accidentally looked at lafayette in the eyes and he told me "If you're under him Alex you ain't getting over him"  I looked at him and I'm sure I look pitiful. I sighed and finally decided to listen to them. I heard Thomas knocking and asking who I'm talking with. I didn't answer and honestly that took a whole lot of will power to do that. He kept knocking until I finally stood up and walked up the door leaving all the squad looking disappointed at me.

"Alexander finall--"
"GO FUCK YOURSELF!" I shut the door at his face with so much force I think newton would have to find a new law for that. I was welcomed by the warm embrace of my friends congratulating me for finally being smart enough to save my ass from a heartbreak.

Knock knock knock

What the fuck thomas! I separated myself from the group hug to open the door just to slam it in Jefferson's face yet again

"I SAID YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF" I yelled only to realize that I was staring straight (or not) on a beautiful piece of heaven with freckles and doe like hazel green eyes. Laurens. JOHN!!!

"I've done that. How about I just fuck you instead?" I blushed in the deepest shade of red imaginable at what he said and fuck am I turned on?! I saw John's eyes starting to avoid my gaze and his hands started fidgeting. Aww he's nervous! uwu

I was still on the process of absorbing that comment when I felt soft lips entangle with mine. I kissed back. I heard the other guys giggle and angie saying "we'll leave you to it" and after about an eternity of that passionate kiss I felt John separate himself from me. I looked at him breathless, helpless, and turned on for some reason. I felt him lean against me and whisper in my ears

"Rule number four, find another person to fall for" we looked into each other's eyes at that and he smirked while I study his lips " what do I get for following all the rules?" I asked with the flirtiest voice I could manage

"Some good fucking, tell him it's some good fucking John" we followed the sound of someone munching on a popcorn that doesn't seem okay at all

"WHAT THE FUCK HERC?! Ahhhhh leave!" Me and John said in unison towards the intruder. After we forced Hercules out of the apartment we both just stared at each other and laughed. Hercules is such a cockblock

THE PLAYLIST: Lams HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now