New Rules

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A/N: Hiya! This is my first one shot so hope you like it. And please don't judge my music taste 😂😂😂. Just a little preview, Alex broke up with Thomas here and the squad is trying to get his ass back up again (HERCULES MULLIGAN!)


He did it again! F*cking Jeffershit cheated on me again........haven't I loved him enough? Am I too short? Too fat? Perhaps I'm just ugly? Did he lie to me when he said that I am the most beautiful person he had ever seen? Is it because I'm a bastard, orphan? I grabbed my phone to inform the squad for quite the 20th time this past two months about the break up...........I just hope they're not tired of my shit yet, I just love Thomas so much their advices on leaving him seems so impossible to do I mean have you seen him yet?! His dark curly hair, pretty eyes, height, and don't even let me start with his body...What the fuck alex! Imma slap the bitch outta you! You need to move on, you need help you can't keep being stupid over some cheating republican and so I opened our groupchat to give my weekly updates for a breakup.

HoneyglazedHam: This bitch needs help

starspangledBaguette: what happened mon ami?

HorsesWearingPantssss: Yo! Sup hamilman?

ANGELICAAAA: Let me guess.......A breakup?

HoneyglazedHam: how'd you know?

ELIZAAAA: *heavy breathing* BOI

AndPEGGY!: let me slap you with angelica's hands

starspangledBaguette: *sigh* okay mon petit lion I love you but we can't keep giving you advices that you won't follow your.......wait I need to do something

HorsesWearingPantssss: Laf just slapped the popcorn in my hands while I'm waiting for the drama to roll in. When will it happen hamilman?! When? Oh and P.S. if you don't breakup with that shitty boyfriend of yours I'm gonna break his neck, then your neck, then I'll regret breaking your neck because I wuv you so much I'll break everybody's necks too

AndPEGGY!: WTF Mulligan!

honeyglazedHam: guys I'm sorry for being trash and not listening to you back then but I think I'm really ready to move on now so can you come over? I need some assurance that I'm still loved. BTW where's John?


I texted everybody except our dear Alexander after his last message.

starspangledBaguette: everyone meet me at John's place now!

I looked at my boyfriend, hercules, still picking up the popcorn I slapped off his hands. "Ewww! Love don't eat that thing from the carpet!" I screamed. He just ate a popcorn that had fallen on the carpet! He just ignored me and proceeded to do the disgusting act until I dragged him out the doorway to John's apartment where I am quite sure he is mopping for not being with Alexander.


I tried to read the notification when it appeared so I don't leave them on seen. Alex broke up with Jefferson AGAIN. Honestly it makes me so happy to hear this news back then because it means I kinda have the chance with the oblivious, beautiful ,little man that I desire so much but  now I'm just tired of hoping that alexander would learn his lesson it's like everytime I hear of their breakup I'm just waiting for alex to tell us that they are back together again. I'm tired. I just want to sleep or maybe go on a coma or something. I pickep up my laptop and searched "How to get self induced coma?" I was about to click search when I heard a loud crash---WTF is that?!

THE PLAYLIST: Lams HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now