Locked Up Inside

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The moon fell, that great big, round moon fell!
When I told mother, she looked surprised then smiled slightly
The moon hadn’t really fallen. It still looked down on us from the sky
But I liked the face mother made, so I told her all sorts of things.
I saw a big lizard talk. I saw the man next door fly. I saw a cat swimming in the lake.
Every time I said something, mother would be very surprised, and laugh a lot
But she gradually stopped laughing.
After that, mother stopped looking at me.”

“Hey Bud, can I say something strange?” Joshua asked casually, his arms resting on his nape. He was walking just a few paces in front of me. The sound of our footsteps the only sound amidst the soft pitter patter of the rain.
“Is this some kind of dream? I mean, it must be right? It looks like my house, but its way smaller.”
“Well… You can call it a dream more or less, I guess.” I replied with uncertainty. True that technically, everything up until now needs to happen in a dream to be possible. I mean, strange creatures, Cheshire Cat, White Rabbit, those are things you won’t normally see in reality. However, here I was, walking beside my friend in a strange manor from his past, completely aware and in control of everything and anything around me, now that doesn’t happen in a dream.
“Yeah, must be. I’ve been having this same dream a bunch lately. But nobody’s ever around so I sit here alone.”
“I see.” I nodded
“However, it’s good to see you here Bud! And you look mighty slick with those clothes on.” He snickered whilst spinning on his heels to face me. I was now dressed in a newly ironed long sleeved white blouse with dark blue jumper shorts, the straps hanging over my shoulders with a blue ribbon tied around my collar. I also donned an old pair of lengthy blue striped socks that reached up to my knees, a pair of dark blue shoes and, as embarrassing as it may sound, the underwear that Joshua handed me.
“S-Shut up!” I spat, to which he snickered as I walked pass him.
“So, why did Jay stay behind?” Joshua asked, catching up to me. One of his hands finding its way over my shoulders.
“He said he wasn’t feeling well.”
“Really?” Joshua asked whilst cocking his head. “He must be more sensitive to the cold than I thought. I nodded in silence.

“C’mon open it up already.” Joshua whined as he stood impatiently behind me. We were standing in front of a large oaken door with its bronze handles shining proudly. We were walking past this room earlier when we heard a crash from the inside. Curious about what we may find, we dared ourselves to venture into the room.
“Just give me a sec!” I hissed, my hands slowly grazing the handles. The metal was cool against my warm hand and it felt smooth as I gripped it firmly. Then all of a sudden the handle turned on its own swinging the door open, a man with a long wild messy brown hair dressed with an old looking shirt and a coat stepping in front of us.
“Teacher?” My jaw gaped wide open as I stared at him. I couldn’t believe it at first but as I took in all of his messy and unruly qualities I slowly realized that it was really him. I could feel my knees shaking from under me, my hands trembling, my eyes starting to tear up. I guess with everything that has been happening I was just glad I now have someone to rely on.
“Huh? Allen? Joshua?” Teacher stared at us as if we were figments of his imagination, his eyes were full of disbelief as it darted back and forth between me and Joshua.
“T-Teacher-.” I was still saying with a loud thud interrupted me.
“Oww!” Teacher cried out, holding his hips as he did. “What did you do that for?”
“Just making sure you were real.” Joshua answered casually, his hand still spread open from slapping Teacher’s hip.
“I know I keep telling you but would you mind stop hitting me on the hip so forcefully?”
“Sorry Teacher.” Joshua said bowing his head, but then suddenly tried to hit Teacher’s back again but this time Teacher managed to dodge his preemptive attack.
“Ahem. Not on the flanks either.” Teacher said, regaining his composure.
Joshua sighed. “Anyway why are you here Teacher? I mean anything can happen in a dream but this is just weird.”
“What do you mean weird?” I asked, eyeing him.
“Well whenever I dream about Teacher he’s usually tied up or teaching a lesson then suddenly this big box full of frogs and snails drop on him.” Joshua snickered, obviously enjoying himself.
“Ahem.” Teacher cleared his throat. “It’s not quite a dream per se. Personally, I am surprised by the fact Allen is here.” Teacher said as he turned his gaze towards me, his eyes dark and sullen.
I can’t really put into words how I felt as Teacher stared at me but let me just say that it felt as if every atom of my being wanted to get away from him. All of the strands of hair in my body were standing on edge and I could feel my blood suddenly run cold, what was it that made me this way?
“Oh him? I always dream I’m with Allen.” Joshua chuckled. “We’d always look at the girls while they’re bathing and read those naughty books Teacher hides in the library.” Joshua said, snaking a hand around my shoulders.
“W-W-What?! W-We never did any of that!” I protested as I struggled from his grip, my face already turning red.
“Oh c’mon you enjoyed it as much as I did. Especially when it was Che-“
“I’ve heard enough.” Teacher sighed, rubbing his temples.
“What? Why? I was just getting to the best part!” Joshua snickered. “Or is Teacher interested in us little boys rather than girls.” Joshua elbowed him, his usual mischievous grin plastered across his face.
“Anyway, I want you both to stay here. Don’t even move if possible. Don’t go any further than this.” Teacher said brushing past us.
“Why? Where are you going?” I called out to him as he walked.
“Just stay there.” Teacher called back then walked on.
We stood there silent and motionless as we watched Teacher disappear into one of the halls and as soon as he did we both gave out an audible sigh and collapsed on ourselves.
“You okay Bud?” Joshua asked, his face was dripping with sweat, his breathing heavy as if he just ran a marathon.
“Y-Yeah. You?”
“I-I’m fine. J-Just need to collect myself.” Joshua said, hugging himself. “Man, I don’t want to feel that kind of thing again.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” I asked, cocking my head to the side to see Joshua’s face. He was trembling uncontrollably, Joshua was. His fingers were digging deep into his clothes, his teeth were chattering loudly, and his whole body seem to shudder.
“Did you the look on Teacher’s face? That was deep down scary.”
“Y-Yeah.” I answered, hugging my knees to my chest. I was surprised to see Joshua like this, especially since that when I always see him he’s always calm and smiling. Seeing him like this now intensified my feeling of dread.
“Weren’t you scared Allen?” Joshua asked, shifting his gaze from the floor to me.
“I was. Very.” I answered. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my insides churning around in my stomach but strangely enough I didn’t tremble, I didn’t falter, I didn’t show any sign of it. It was as if my feelings were slowly being locked away inside me. Standing up, I pulled Joshua to his feet then continued to search the manor.

Alice MareWhere stories live. Discover now