Voices in the Night

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“Now what do you say?” Teacher asked enthusiastically as he stood at the head of the table.
“Thanks for the meal Teacher.” We all answered in unison. The meal was the same as usual, pieces of bread with a bowl of soup to match. I haven’t seen any other grownups here so it’s safe to bet the Teacher is the one who cooks our meals. I have to admit he’s good at it.
“All right, go to your rooms and get ready to go to bed. You can go to each other’s room to talk, but as always, don’t go to the second floor. Understood?”
“Yes Teacher!” We again answered in Unison.
“Alright, dismissed.” Teacher said finally with a wave of his hand.
I’ve been very preoccupied the entire day. After my talk with Chelsy regarding the voices I’ve been trying to get Joshua to spill the beans and tell me what he knows, but something or someone was always in the way. In the end an entire day passed and still I haven’t got the answers I wanted. But now, this is my chance. I can ask Joshua just before we get to our rooms, and I will have enough time to ponder on it later.
“Hey Josh-“ I was about to call him when Teacher called me over, seeing that I didn’t really have a choice since it was Teacher who was calling me after all, I stayed behind. I’ll talk to Joshua later.
“You haven’t been here long, but you seem to be used to things already.” Teacher said with an amused expression.
“Well yes… I’ve gotten used to things.”
“I see…” Teacher nodded with approval. “… How are your memories doing?”
I sighed, he just had to ask. With all the weird things going on around me lately I seem to have forgotten the real reason I’m here, my memories.
“Still nothing.” I answered with a desperate sigh.
“I see… Well, no, don’t push yourself to remember. Just take it nice and slow. I’m sure you’ll remember everything.” He said in a calm and gentle voice. I felt something stir inside my chest, as if I’m guilty and as if I’ve just disappointed him or something.
He must’ve seen the frustrated look on my face since just after a few second of silence he said. “Say do you want anything? I’ll buy you whatever I can afford.”
I looked at him and answered. “All I want is my memories back.”
My answer must’ve been unexpected since an awkward silence fell between us.
“Ah… well... That, I can’t give you. It’s something you cannot buy.” Teacher chuckled whilst clearing his throat.
“O-Oh.” Was all I answered.
“…Sorry. I’ll keep that in mind.” He said somewhat regretfully. “Well… how about I buy you new books? Letty tells me you’ve been reading the library dry since you got here.” Teacher smiled.
I nodded sheepishly.
“You love to read don’t you Allen? I’m surprised on how many words you can understand already.” He smiled amusingly.
“W-Well I just don’t have anything else to do. B-Besides Teacher is smarter than me.” I said slightly embarrassed from the praise.”
Teacher’s… not so smart. I don’t really get difficult things.” His answer was not quite what I was expecting. I thought he’d be all humble and stuff but…he looks sad for some reason.
“U-Uhm Teacher?”
“Oh, it’s nothing.” Broken from his daze, he smiled reassuringly.
“Oh, okay.” I answered and looked away. Trying to keep this conversation alive with Teacher was getting difficult. It’s not like I don’t like him, it’s just, I don’t want him poking around inside my head since I’m still at a loss myself.
“Allen, if I told you there is a world unlike our own… would you believe me?”
“huh?” The question kinda caught me off guard so I really didn’t know how to respond. “Does a world like that really exist Teacher?” I asked, making him the center of attention.
“… No, it’s just a fairy tale.” He smiled, but once again there was somewhat a hint of pain in his smiles. As if he had a huge burden hidden from other people.
“But…” He said, breaking through my thoughts. “If you were invited to such a world, I’d advise not opening that door.” He stood up, his expression completely serious.
“Alright, go back to your room, I need to lock up too.” He said ushering me to the door.
“Good night Teacher.”
“Good night, Allen.”

“So tell me. Do you really hear voices?” I asked Joshua who was already halfway in his pajamas. After my talk with Teacher, I quickly ran for Joshua’s room to get the information that I have been dying to know all day.
“ Well yeah, I hear them every night.” He answered throwing his shirt to one corner of the room and slumping on the bed just beside me. I eyed him carefully, Joshua was renowned to be a somewhat a little liar, although he does speak the truth sometimes. Still it didn’t hurt to be safe.
“What? Don’t believe me?” He asked, obviously annoyed by the look I was giving him.
“I believe you, but I’m not convinced it’s the truth.”  I said bluntly.
“Fine! Don’t believe it if you don’t want to, but I hear voices coming from the second floor at night All like “help”.
I eyed him again. “If it’s true then come with me to the second floor tonight.”
“Huh? Ugh, no way. I don’t wanna check it for myself. If you’re so curious why don’t you go Allen?” He said covering himself with his blanket, still obviously pissed at me for eyeing him.
“Fine, I’ll go tonight.” I said, jumping off the bed and headed straight out the door.
“Don’t tell Teacher I told you! He’ll get mad at me!” I heard Joshua call out as the door came to a close.

Alice MareWhere stories live. Discover now